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قديم 11-30-2021, 06:07 AM   #5
لغاتى الذهبى
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2020
الدولة: PPP Loan Scam
المشاركات: 11,367
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
FrankJScott will become famous soon enough
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افتراضي Top Rated Mobile Robot Link

What are the primary benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robots?

1. More Flexibility
Since Autonomous Mobile Robots rely heavily on cameras and sensors onboard to function--not magnetic tape or wires as with AGCs and AGVs, they are a model of the flexibility, agility and automation. Instead of following pre-defined routes, Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to generate their own effective pathways from Point A to Point B within the facility, which helps them avoid obstacles. This also means that Autonomous Mobile Robots can be switched to carry out new tasks with relatively easy, in contrast to other automation technologies which typically take longer and more effort to reprogram. Check out this Food retail AGV info for more.

2. Safety - Increased
Autonomous Mobile Robots are packed to the gills with sensors and cameras. They are able to perceive and comprehend their environment. This lets them move efficiently within a space, without having to collide with other people, products infrastructure or other obstacles. But, the equipment used by human operators (e.g. forklifts) do not have as many safety mechanisms and depend on human input. Autonomous Mobile Robots minimize the possibility of human workers becoming exhausted or distracted, resulting in an accident. Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to perform repetitive tasks and minimize human errors. This greatly increases safety.

3. Rapid Implementation
Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed in a matter of weeks, based on the type of operation. (Especially important here are the warehouse picking software and execution software that the units will have to connect with.) Although it is on the higher portion of the spectrum this is an incredibly short amount of time, especially when compared with other technologies. For an example, a goods to person (G2P) system could take up to a full year to fully integrate.

4. Ability to Scale
Autonomous Mobile Robots are extremely simple to use within a facility. It is possible to use modular deployment methods that allow users to start with only a few units then increase your capacity as your operations expand or your requirements change. This allows you to reduce the cost of an initial cost because instead of purchasing a large quantity of Autonomous Mobile Robots in one go the best option is to begin with just one or two and expand your fleet over time. This modular deployment provides money to invest in other projects, and also allows you to evaluate the impact Autonomous Mobile Robots affected your business and determine the next actions.

5. Facilities are easy to move between
A few businesses might be reluctant to explore automation options, even though they realize that moving to a new facility in the near future is possible. This logic makes sense why implement a brand new system when it's going to have to be removed within the next two years when the new facility is constructed? Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to help fill in the gap in these situations. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed quickly and effortlessly between facilities, which allows automation in the short-term. These Autonomous Mobile Robots are a boon for businesses looking to establish a temporary holiday operation.
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