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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-11-2011, 03:53 AM   #2
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
المشاركات: 2
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
damu will become famous soon enough

اول اهم 100 رمز

1 的 de (possessive particle); of

2 一 yī one

3 是 shì right; yes; is; am; are

4 在 zài located at; exist; (in the middle of doing)

5 有 yǒu to have; there is/are

6 不 bù not

7 人 rén person; people

8 了 le (intensifier of previous clause); (completed action particle)

9 我 wǒ ; me

10 大 dà big; wide; eldest

11 个 gè (general classifier); individual

12 这 zhè this; these

13 中 zhōng center; during; China

14 为 wéi to be; to become; to make

15 上 shàng on top; above; before

16 国 guó country; nation

17 和 hé and; peaceful

18 以 yǐ because of; by means of; use

19 到 dào to (a place); until (a time)

20 时 shí o'clock; time; when; period

21 要 yào to want; to need

22 可 kě may; can; able to

23 他 tā he; she

24 会 huì assemble; meet; meeting

25 能 néng capable of; ability

26 们 men (plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns)

27 来 lai to come

28 出 chū go out; send out; produce

29 就 jiù at once; then; to move towards

30 对 duì right; correct; opposing; ascertain

31 生 shēng to give birth; to grow; life

32 业 yè business; occupation; study

33 也 yě also; too

34 发 fā to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue

35 用 yòng to use

36 公 gōng just; unbiased; to make public

37 多 duō many; much ;a lot of; more

38 家 jiā house; family; person engaged in a certain profession

39 年 nián year

40 成 chéng complete; accomplish; to become

41 经 jīng classics; after; endure; pass through

42 地 dì earth; field; area

43 于 yú in;at;to;from;by;than;out of

44 自 zì from;self;oneself;since

45 产 chǎn to reproduce;to produce;give birth;products;produce;resources;estate;property

46 日 rì day;sun;date;day of the month;abbr. for Japan

47 市 shì market;city

48 过 guò (experienced action marker);to cross;to go over;to pass (time);to celebrate (a holiday);to live;to get along;(surname Guo);excessively;too-

49 现 xiàn appear;present;now;existing;current

50 而 ér and;as well as;but (not);yet (not);(shows causal relation);(shows change of state);(shows contrast)

51 得 de a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect;degree or possibility

52 方 fāng square;quadrilateral;direction;one side;just

53 品 pǐn conduct;grade;thing;product;good

54 最 zuì (the) most;-est

55 机 jī machine;opportunity;secret

56 开 kāi open;operate (vehicle);start

57 高 gāo high;tall

58 后 hòu back;behind;rear;afterwards;after;later

59 下 xià down;downwards;below;lower;later;next (week etc);second (of two parts);to decline;to go down

60 本 běn roots or stems of plants;origin;source;this;the current;root;foundation;basis;(a measure word for books, periodicals, files etc)

61 都 dōu all;both (if two things are involved);entirely (due to)each;even;already

62 学 xué learn;study;science;-ology

63 作 zuò to do;to make;to regard as;to take sb for

64 进 jìn advance;enter;to come in

65 新 xīn new;newly;abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆meso- (chem.)

66 面 miàn flour;noodles

67 工 gōng work;worker;skill;profession;trade;craft;labor

68 之 zhī (possessive particle, literary **********alent of 的);him;her;it

69 行 xíng all right;capable;competent;OK;okay;to go;to do;to travel;temporary;to walk;to go;will do

70 前 qián before;in front;ago;former;previous;earlier;front

71 场 cháng a place where people gather; farm; stage

72 理 lǐ reason;logic;science;inner principle or structure

73 动 dòng to use;to act;to move;to change

74 同 tóng like;same;similar;together;alike;with

75 分 fēn to divide;minute;(a measure word);(a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)

76 你 nǐ you

77 全 quán all;whole;entire;every;complete

78 小 xiǎo small;tiny;few;young

79 电 diàn electric;electricity;electrical

80 如 rú as (if);such as

81 其 qí his;her;its;theirs;that;such;it (refers to sth preceding it)

82 很 hěn (adv.) very;quite;awfully

83 所 suǒ actually;place;(measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions);(grammatical particle introducing a relative clause)

84 与 yǔ and;to give;together with

85 主 zhǔ to own;to host;master;lord;primary

86 天 tiān day;sky;heaven

87 着 zhe particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending

88 但 dàn but;yet;however;only;merely;still

89 没 méi (negative prefix for verbs);have not;not

90 将 jiāng (will, shall, "future tense");ready;prepared;to get;to use

91 体 tǐ body;form;style;system

92 实 shí real;true;honest;really;solid

93 司 sī company;control

94 子 zi (noun suff.)

95 者 zhě -ist, -er (person);person (who does sth)

96 好 hǎo good;well

97 车 chē car;a vehicle;machine;to shape with a lathe

98 然 rán correct;right;so;thus;like this;-ly

99 内 nèi inside;inner;internal;within;interior

100 心 xīn heart;mind

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة damu ; 07-11-2011 الساعة 04:04 AM
damu غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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