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افضل طريقة لتعلم المقاطع الصينية
ني هاو ودا بنغ يو مرحبا يا اصدقائي 你好我的朋友 ni hao wo de pengyou اليوم سوف اعرض موضوع هام جدا وهذه تعتبر اول مساهمة لي في هذا المنتدى الكبير وهي مساهمة هامة جدا في مجال تعلم الحروف \المقاطع الصينية بالطريقة الاسهل والافضل فلكي تجيد اللغة الصينية اجادة تامة يجب تعلم حوالي 3000 رمز ولكن هذه الرموز تختلف اهمية استخدامها وشيوعها ولذا ساقوم بعرض اهم 5000 مقطع\حرف صيني على حسب اهمية و تكرر الاستخدام بحيث ان تكون اول 100 مقطع يعتبر اهم 100 مقطع لابد ان يتعلمه دارس اللغة الصينية تم تاتي المقاطع الاقل فالاقل اهمية في استخدام اليومي حتى نصل الى المقطع رقم 5000 فلنبدأ الرحلة الان hao yun 好运 هاو يون = حظ موفق |
اول اهم 100 رمز 1 的 de (possessive particle); of 2 一 yī one 3 是 shì right; yes; is; am; are 4 在 zài located at; exist; (in the middle of doing) 5 有 yǒu to have; there is/are 6 不 bù not 7 人 rén person; people 8 了 le (intensifier of previous clause); (completed action particle) 9 我 wǒ ; me 10 大 dà big; wide; eldest 11 个 gè (general classifier); individual 12 这 zhè this; these 13 中 zhōng center; during; China 14 为 wéi to be; to become; to make 15 上 shàng on top; above; before 16 国 guó country; nation 17 和 hé and; peaceful 18 以 yǐ because of; by means of; use 19 到 dào to (a place); until (a time) 20 时 shí o'clock; time; when; period 21 要 yào to want; to need 22 可 kě may; can; able to 23 他 tā he; she 24 会 huì assemble; meet; meeting 25 能 néng capable of; ability 26 们 men (plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns) 27 来 lai to come 28 出 chū go out; send out; produce 29 就 jiù at once; then; to move towards 30 对 duì right; correct; opposing; ascertain 31 生 shēng to give birth; to grow; life 32 业 yè business; occupation; study 33 也 yě also; too 34 发 fā to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue 35 用 yòng to use 36 公 gōng just; unbiased; to make public 37 多 duō many; much ;a lot of; more 38 家 jiā house; family; person engaged in a certain profession 39 年 nián year 40 成 chéng complete; accomplish; to become 41 经 jīng classics; after; endure; pass through 42 地 dì earth; field; area 43 于 yú in;at;to;from;by;than;out of 44 自 zì from;self;oneself;since 45 产 chǎn to reproduce;to produce;give birth;products;produce;resources;estate;property 46 日 rì day;sun;date;day of the month;abbr. for Japan 47 市 shì market;city 48 过 guò (experienced action marker);to cross;to go over;to pass (time);to celebrate (a holiday);to live;to get along;(surname Guo);excessively;too- 49 现 xiàn appear;present;now;existing;current 50 而 ér and;as well as;but (not);yet (not);(shows causal relation);(shows change of state);(shows contrast) 51 得 de a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect;degree or possibility 52 方 fāng square;quadrilateral;direction;one side;just 53 品 pǐn conduct;grade;thing;product;good 54 最 zuì (the) most;-est 55 机 jī machine;opportunity;secret 56 开 kāi open;operate (vehicle);start 57 高 gāo high;tall 58 后 hòu back;behind;rear;afterwards;after;later 59 下 xià down;downwards;below;lower;later;next (week etc);second (of two parts);to decline;to go down 60 本 běn roots or stems of plants;origin;source;this;the current;root;foundation;basis;(a measure word for books, periodicals, files etc) 61 都 dōu all;both (if two things are involved);entirely (due to)each;even;already 62 学 xué learn;study;science;-ology 63 作 zuò to do;to make;to regard as;to take sb for 64 进 jìn advance;enter;to come in 65 新 xīn new;newly;abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆meso- (chem.) 66 面 miàn flour;noodles 67 工 gōng work;worker;skill;profession;trade;craft;labor 68 之 zhī (possessive particle, literary **********alent of 的);him;her;it 69 行 xíng all right;capable;competent;OK;okay;to go;to do;to travel;temporary;to walk;to go;will do 70 前 qián before;in front;ago;former;previous;earlier;front 71 场 cháng a place where people gather; farm; stage 72 理 lǐ reason;logic;science;inner principle or structure 73 动 dòng to use;to act;to move;to change 74 同 tóng like;same;similar;together;alike;with 75 分 fēn to divide;minute;(a measure word);(a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter) 76 你 nǐ you 77 全 quán all;whole;entire;every;complete 78 小 xiǎo small;tiny;few;young 79 电 diàn electric;electricity;electrical 80 如 rú as (if);such as 81 其 qí his;her;its;theirs;that;such;it (refers to sth preceding it) 82 很 hěn (adv.) very;quite;awfully 83 所 suǒ actually;place;(measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions);(grammatical particle introducing a relative clause) 84 与 yǔ and;to give;together with 85 主 zhǔ to own;to host;master;lord;primary 86 天 tiān day;sky;heaven 87 着 zhe particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending 88 但 dàn but;yet;however;only;merely;still 89 没 méi (negative prefix for verbs);have not;not 90 将 jiāng (will, shall, "future tense");ready;prepared;to get;to use 91 体 tǐ body;form;style;system 92 实 shí real;true;honest;really;solid 93 司 sī company;control 94 子 zi (noun suff.) 95 者 zhě -ist, -er (person);person (who does sth) 96 好 hǎo good;well 97 车 chē car;a vehicle;machine;to shape with a lathe 98 然 rán correct;right;so;thus;like this;-ly 99 内 nèi inside;inner;internal;within;interior 100 心 xīn heart;mind |
رد: افضل طريقة لتعلم المقاطع الصينية
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