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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-28-2010, 08:04 AM   #2
هاجد أحمد
مشرف عام اللغات
الصورة الرمزية هاجد أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
المشاركات: 224
معدل تقييم المستوى: 15
هاجد أحمد will become famous soon enough

Sleep party
Laws of party
1- Wearing pajamas
2- Wearing socks
The best thing in this party is the dark atmosphere, and friends are the stars of this meeting who lighten the party with fun.
Bed: When you have a sleep party, you have to put the additional rugs to sleep on, and you may benefit in such cases from the double Decker bed to save space.
Candles: Use candles of all types of large, small, scented and non scented, and blow out these candles at bedtime, as fires occur more fast as you can imagine.
No boys: No exist for boys at this girly meeting, even your little brother, because this meeting is not worthy of boys roughness, and in order to be able to talk in all what concern girls from privacy and future projects.
Poster stars: This kind of stars can be seen at night, paste it on ceilings, walls, and the treasury.
Put lots of pillows on the floor and spread the room with carpets if they were not furnished, this is more comfortable to sit.
Eat and drink: What is the sweetness of party without chipsy, cakes, corn, and lot of juices and water, and get away from heavy foods so as not to disturb your dreams.
Important points: Do you usually do not like staying up late, and afraid to leave childish impression?
You do not have to stay awake; this is not the courage, never!
Pillows fighting: pillows fighting will begin at any time, so you have to be equipped with more pillows besides your sitting.
Against boredom: If the meeting has become boring, you have to go to one of these solutions: drawing, singing, mime, plant inanimate…
Before sleeping, take a break with drinking a glass of milk.
And at this moment, we wish you a good night sleep and happy dreams!

هاجد أحمد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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