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منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة الانجليزية

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قديم 05-05-2010, 07:11 PM   #3
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 45
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough

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Principle or Principal

1) Priciple

principle is a a noun only. It means a s rule, truth, or belief
كلمة تأتي دائما بشكل إسم و تعني قاعدة، حقيقة أو مبدأ
Remember that principle ends in -le like the word rule
and thus they have the same meaning

Example: Anna can describe the principles of air flight
Have you understood the principle of this problem

2) Principal

principal is either a noun or an adjective.
As a noun, it refers to the head of a school
كلمة تأتي على شكل إسم أو صفة. إذا جاءت في الجملة كإسم، فإنها تأتي بمعنى رئيس المدرسة

Example: Our school principal spoke to the parents
The principal parts of a verb are its basic forms

As an adjective, it means first or most important
أما إذا جاءت في الجملة كصفة فيصبح معناها الأول أو الأهم.

Example: The principal purpose of TV is to entertain

More Examples

wrong: She is a woman of high principals
correct: She is a woman of high principles

wrong: The newly appointed principle is Dad's freind
correct: The newly appointed principal is Dad's friend

wrong: Living things grow by the principal of cell division
correct: Living things grow by the principle of cell division

wrong: The speech of the principle will conclude the program
correct: The speech of the principal will conclude the program

Lose or Loose

1) Lose

Lose is a verb that means fail to win
هي فعل بمعنى يخسر

Exanple: We can't lose this game
He will lose his job

2) Loose

Loose is an adjective that means free or not tight
هي صفة بمعنى غير مربوط أو مفكوك أو رخو

Example: The chain is loose
A loose bolt caused the accident

More Example

wrong: Did you loose your glasses
correct: Did you lose your glasses

wrong: Is the ribbon lose
correct: Is the ribbon loose

wrong: Did you loose track of him
correct: Did you lose track of him

wrong: Do you have a lose tooth
correct: Do you have a loose tooth

Where or Were

1) Where

Where is an adverb meaning in what place
هي ظرف مكان بمعنى أين

Example: Where do you live
Where is your brother

2) Were

Were is the past form of verb be for plural nouns
هي صيغة الجمع للفعل be في الماضي

Example: Our plans for a picnic were upset by the rain
They were very tired when they reached home

More Examples

correct: I know where you live
wrong:I know were you live

correct: Many of the windows were broken
wrong: Many of the windows where broken

correct: Two school teams were competing
wrong: Two school teams were competing

Where were you when the whistles were blowing
The students were talking about the place where they hid the chalks

Quiet, Quite, or Quit

1) Quiet

Quiet it is an adjective meaning free from noise or disturbance
هي صفة بمعنى هادئ

Example: The only time our classroom is quiet is when it is empty

2) Quite

Quite means very
تعني جدا

Example: Mother was quite well

3) Quit

Quit is a verb meaning to stop or to cease
هي فعل بمعنى يتوقف أو يُوقف

Example: Dad quit his job yesterday

More Examples

correct: It was a quiet moment
wrong:It was a quite moment
wrong:It was a quit moment

correct: He must have been quite angry to lose his job
wrong: He must have been quit angry to lose his job
wrong: He must have been quiet angry to lose his job

correct: Tom's father quit drinking
wrong: Tom's father quite drinking
wrong: Tom's father quiet drinking

Another example: Has your father found it quite easy to quit smoking in that quiet village

Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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عبارات ايطالية شائعة Ennaser منتدى اللغة الإيطالية 8 09-26-2010 11:11 AM

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