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منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة الانجليزية

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قديم 11-05-2008, 04:19 PM   #1
عاشقة دمعة
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2008
المشاركات: 7
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
عاشقة دمعة is on a distinguished road
افتراضي حل الفروض عاجلة اللغة الإنجلزية

Ndugu Rukia Okashi is a 53 year old farmer living in Arusha, Tanzania. She grows
maize, beans and vegetables, has seven children and became literate about ten years ago.
She says:
“There is a great difference in my present situation when compared with the old days. A
lot of changes have taken place. When I was required to sign various papers and
documents, I could only use the thumb and one never knew what exactly one was signing.
Consequently, you could sometimes suffer injustices and exploitation. Now that I am
literate, no one can ask me to sign blindly. I first have to ask what the whole business is all
about, I read the papers myself, and it is only after I am satisfied that I agree to sign. If I
don’t agree with the contents of the documents, I just don’t sign. Whereas before one
could never refuse to sign a document: you were just asked to put your thumb print.
Literacy has helped me in many ways. Now I feel great and self-confident. I have the
ability to refuse or disagree whereas formerly I easily became a victim of great injustices
because I was illiterate.”
Section one Reading comprehension: (7pts)
1- what type of text is the above passage?
a- narrating b- describing c- expository
2-answer the following questions:
a- how old was Ndugu when she learnt reading and writing?
b- why could illiterate suffer exploitation and injustices?
c- how do illiterate people sign documents?
d- why has literacy helped her feel great and self confident?
3- find in the text words that have the same meaning as the following ones:
1- asked =…… 2-differen t=........ 3-accept =………. 4- before =………
4- find words in the text that are opposites to the following ones:
1- similarity ……. 2-few ………. 3-Was not able …….. 4- accept.
5- find in the text the word whose definition is:
A person who cannot read nor write is =…………
a -which nouns can be derived from the following words:
b-classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”
1- signs 2- documents 3-places 4-occurs
“s” “z” “ iz”
c -rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meaning:
1- he will pass his exam. He will go to university.
If he………………………………………………………….
2- she didn’t know reading. She got lost.
If she knew………………………………………………….
3-the students are discussing the subject.
The subject by the student.
4- “literacy has helped me in many ways.” Ndugu says
Ndugu says that………………………………………
5- he works hard. He wants to pass his exam.
He works hard in order to……………………..
d-reorder the following words to get a coherent sentence:
Was- Eastern -MRS - Africa- hold- Muta Mataathai-woman- to the – a- in –firstdoctoratee-
classify the following words according to the number of their syllables:
Education document sign injustice refuse
1syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables
Section two: (6pts)
Written expression: choose one subject
Subject 1:
complete the following dialogue:
A: how is the situation of the third world countries?
A: why is it so serious?
A: what should be done?
B: ……………………………………….
A: do you really believe that education is enough to develop a country?
Subject 2:
use the following notes and write a paragraph about William- Shakespeare.
English dramatist…. In 1564 in Stratford Upon Aven….. Grammar school …..
1582: married Anne Hathaway…. three children …. went to London / became
actor… wrote:” Romeo and Juliet”,”Othello”,”Hamlet”, “Macbeth,” “King Lear,”
(1600-1606) Around 1611: retired to Stratford …. Died 1616
عاشقة دمعة غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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اللغة, الفروض, الإنجلزية, عاجلة

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