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قديم 04-15-2009, 09:18 PM   #1
سعودية كول
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
المشاركات: 7
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
سعودية كول is on a distinguished road
افتراضي السلام عليكم يااهل الجود والكرم

الـــســـلام عليكم

كـــيف الحال ؟؟

انا عضوه جديده وان شاء الله اكون محبوبه من الكل

انا تعرفت على الموقع عن طريق الصدفه فوجدت التعاون والمحبه بين الاخوان فهذا ما شجعني على التسجيل

فاانا قبل لاابدا بالمشاركه طالبتنكم بخدمه وياريت تلبونها لي

انا اربع مرات اكتب برقراف والمس حقتنا مايعجبها تعبت وانا اكتب واعيد ولاشئ عاجبنها
انا جبت لكم الموضوع مكتوب بس ابي منكم اذا شفتون فيه اي خطا تعدلونه او تبون تزيدون فينه وبالذات المقدمه والخاتمه
مهي عاجبتنها والله تعبت وماشفت الا هالطريقه تساعدني ياريت تساعدوني

The Scariest Thing that Has Happened to Me

Real life scary encompasses brushes with death, disease and accidents. It's usually an experience that makes you face at least the possibility of a death you hadn't quite imagined for yourself. Real life scary experiences are things like, having the house get robbed, hit person another person , fell in the floor and break your car .

Accident is word that we hear a lot in our life. For me I had heard this word so many time on the radio, television and in newspaper. But usually what came my mind about accidents that they happen in the street or on playgrounds, not in houses, because houses are safe place in live. I occurred an early age to several incidents during which some joy and some sadness, but in spite of all this useful, I have some of the experiences I remember in detail the story occurred to me even banned from the school for several days, it was painful experience and my story.

I was waiting for my friend to visit me at home .I was suppose to get ready and dress well for her, as it was the first time for her to visit me at my home . I cooked dinner and lemon juice after finished dinner I went to the bathroom to turn on the shower . The floor in the shower is a non-slip one and some soap , so I won’t fall getting in and out of the shower.

I sit myself into the chair in the shower and washed myself .I turned off the taps when I finished , water a towel of the shower and dried myself. When I went back to the bathroom to get my dirty clothes give them to my mother , a shocking thing happened to me. I slipped on the floor even though my bathroom had a non- slip floor. I felt pain in my body , especially my ankle. Even though my body was in pain, and I saw blood came out of my body, my ankle was hurting. After that I felt afraid when I saw blood my face color yellow for fear because my clothes dirty blood and I shouted , ‘’ My mother My mother harry up my ankle fraction.’’ After that when my mother heard me shouting in the bath, she came so fast. She said,’’ (my name) What happened to you?’’ then my mother opened the door and she saw me and she told me, ‘’ name put your hand on my Shoulder.’’ after that my mother took me to the hospital . The doctor made diagnosis the injury and gave me some medicines to get better. The doctor asked me , “Not to walk so much on your foot because so much of your weight rests upon your ankles it can be tough to make a full recovery”. Also the doctor asked me.”To be careful when I turn and walk.”
I remember when I went back home I couldn’t walk on my foot so ,I had to serve myself .The problem for me at that time that the I’m a person that does not like to sit in one place. I sat at home 3 days in my home and I Spend all my days were sad
Because all my family’s works in the morning. I was happy in the end when I finished my treatment, resumed normal activities, and went back to school. I know that it took so much time to get wall but with my great wall and strong power, good initial care including rest, compression , elevation and rehabilitation, and with a little luck, I was able to walk normally as before .

The whole experience was very painful but at the same time ,it taught me a lot of things to be patient and more careful next time in the bathroom, not only in bathroom but actually in everywhere.
سعودية كول غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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السلام عليكم farid منتدى اللغة الفرنسية 2 04-25-2008 04:13 PM

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