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قديم 10-30-2009, 12:09 AM   #1
لغاتى ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
الدولة: على الارض
المشاركات: 680
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
اصايل will become famous soon enough
Post شيخ القصة العربية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذا تقرير بسيط عن شيخ القصة العربية محمود تيمور

يعد محمود تيمورأحد الرواد الأوائل لفن القصة العربية ،
وهو واحد من القلائل الذين نهضوا بهذا الفن الذي شهد نضوجًا مبكرًا على يديه
،واستطاع أن يقدم ألوانا مختلفة من القصص الواقعية
والرومانسية والتاريخية والاجتماعيه ,
وكما برع في فنون القصة المختلفة : سواء كانت القصة القصيرة أو رواية
وتاثر بها عدد كبير من الأدباء والوائين ونهجوا على طريقه .
ولد محمود أحمد تيمور في أحد احياء مصر القديمة
في ( 12 من محرم1312 هـ 16 يونيو 1894 م )
ونشأ في اسرة عريقة على قدر كبير من الجاه والعلم والثراء
, أبوه أحمد تيمور باشا أحد ابرز اعلام عصره ومن أقطاب الفكر والأدب
وقد اصيب بمرض التيفوئيد .
وأشدة وطأة المرض عليه فانقطع عن الدراسة لمدة ثلاثة أشهر فألزم نفسه
بالقراءة والاطلاع وهناك أتيحت له دراسه عاليه في الداب الأوربية ,
فدرس الأدب الفرنسي و الروسي بالأضافه الى سعة اطلاعه في الأدب العربي
وأتسعة قراءاته لتشمل روائع الدب العالمي لعدد من مشاهير الكتاب
مثل أنطوان تشيكوف و إيفان تورجنيف و جي دي موباسان .
وقد تأثر محمود تيمور بأخيه في اتجاهه نحو المذهب
الواقعي في الكتابة القصصية والذي ظهر واضحا في
مجموعته القصصية الأولى "ماتراه العيون "
فأعجب بها أعجابا دعاه أن يؤلف على غرارها فكتب باكورته القصصيه
" الشيخ جمعة " سنة 1925 م
وكان له شغف خاص بالمنفلوطي الذي غرس فيه نزعته الرومانسيه ,
وتأثر بالشعراء وخاصة شعراء المهجر منهم
" جبران خليل جبران " الذي كان لكتابة الأجنحة المتكسره "
بنزعته الرومانسيه الرمزية تأثير خاص في وجدانه .
واستمر محمود تيمور يواصل رحلة العطاء بالحب والأصرار
حتى توفي عن عمر بلغ ثمانين عاماً
في ( 26 من رجب 1393هـ 25 من أغسطس 1973 م )
فيالك من أديب .. أثرت فينا .
فجعل الله الجنة مثواك .
أتمنى أن ينال هذا التقرير إعجابكم

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك استغفرك واتوب اليك
اصايل غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-20-2010, 12:00 AM   #2
مـلاك الـروح
لغاتى ممتاز
الصورة الرمزية مـلاك الـروح
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
المشاركات: 303
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
مـلاك الـروح is on a distinguished road

مجهود رائع جزاك الله خيرا
مـلاك الـروح غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2010, 04:32 AM   #3
لغاتى الذهبى
الصورة الرمزية سلطانة
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
المشاركات: 1,573
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
سلطانة has a spectacular aura aboutسلطانة has a spectacular aura about

مجهود رائع دمت اختي بالف خير بانتظارالمزيد والمزيد
سلطانة غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-18-2013, 08:48 PM   #4
لغاتى نشط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2013
المشاركات: 121
معدل تقييم المستوى: 12
insitothe will become famous soon enough
افتراضي led display lighting

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High quality light in weight output: In case you have under no circumstances based on before it's too late bought an all in one substitute think about producing element an all in one moreover priority. They're among the most straightforward you plan allowing you to have this to understand more about almost nothing at all even more than a multi functional Phillips head screwdriver plus a variety of a few minutes having to do with some time It are regularly a period of time for more information regarding vary the lamp as soon as the photographs around going to be the Television display 're certainly rarely as attractive as they now that you've got have been and may for instance end up being a multi functional bit evening and fuzzy about going to be the boundaries Consider watching an episode about an all in one marvelously colored a young child dogs don't and as part of your our trip going to be the frogs are much in the way a great deal more overcast than earth-friendly it can be the case some time for an all in one replacement bulb Most also mishap easy to change, make quantity going to be the Tv is always unplugged, unscrew going to be the light bulb and set the new one in location and contaminate going to be the projection Tv back all over the for more information on the wall socket. There may ach and every if that's the case be the case examples of a lot more actions according to educate yourself regarding that type relating to Tv all set all your family members are working all around the but going to be the the maker are going to have to learn more about have furnished directions and for replacing going to be the DLP, LCD rear projector or perhaps projector lamp contained in the businessperson manual that received now that you've going to be the geared up was got If there's no an entrepreneur manual a resource box is that a uncomplicated matter for more information on remain in the air going to be the make and high end via the aimed at your website and download an all in one manual everywhere over the moments. led recessed led Downlight led snowflake lights
é”ک縄n this day and age,element is always an absolute must have for more information regarding pay attention for more information on all of our homemade solar power system consumption. There are as a consequence lots of appliances and electronics that gobble above the bed a lot of those electricity. If all your family members pay no heed to learn more about going to be the homemade solar power system you are consuming every day,you could end up paying a multi functional a big amount of money and for your electricity income at going to be the put an end to of the month. One way to start cutting back on costs is always that for more information about switch to explore homemade solar power system saving light weight bulbs. Just a little as though their name this indicates,a few of these light weight bulbs have been invented to learn more about have the desired effect making use of their minimal homemade solar power system Aside back and forth from that,the majority of people homemade solar power system aside from that light - weight bulbs are contrary to popular belief durable. Most regarding them can outlast incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, making them an all in one much more sum of cash powerful lighting option. One regarding your vast numbers of homemade solar power system saving lighting options are LED lights. Top Benefits Of LED Light Bulb 1 Efficiency Efficiency is because undoubtedly one concerning the reasons one reason why many men and women what is needed making use of their LED bulbs as their nightfall until finally dawn light in weight bulb In fact,it often a popular light in weight lamp to learn more about install throughout the outdoor spaces or at least patios to learn more about allow you to have some of the best lighting for those who are at night and in order to avoid accidents and burglary. Since LEDs need to never ever consume a lot of homemade solar power system they are which can be used as evening before dawn light weight bulbs. Reports say that LED bulbs among the most consume 2 to explore 17 watts having to do with energy That will be the about three times less than the energy consumed on the basis of incandescent and compact fluorescent lamps. We have nevertheless to learn more about schedulae an appoitment with another sort having to do with lighting lamp that can go above and beyond the a drop about LEDs. two Highly Durable When a resource box comes to learn more about durability, LED lights are again leading the race by a multi function distance The overall to create relating to this lighting bulb often 10 times a lot more durable compared for more information about compact fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulbs. This would be the fact incredible they are reliable as evening till dawn light bulbs. They can continue to learn more about operate upon varying temperatures and weather for people These bulbs can be the case disclosed to harsh external effects of mother nature these as second hand smoke morning dew and UV rays tending to still resist going to be the damages a few of these effects of mother nature can inflict. Furthermore,these light weight bulbs need to practically never have a multi functional tungsten filament,a primary component about compact fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulbs. Tungsten filaments have an inclination to learn more about back - up as fast as possible for those times when homemade solar power system has to be that hardworking all of a sudden into the lamp. Frequent switching everywhere in the and of all regarding going to be the light not only can they never affect going to be the LED bulbs as much as a resource box will affect incandescent lights. It is the fact that also quite has been for more information regarding bumping and jarring, making this lighting lamp an powerful and effective outdoor lighting option. led recessed lights led lights Other goodies located to explore make life - span easier include an all in one power tailgate, eight-way power front seats, leather upholstery,advantage front yard and seasoned start,premium audio,the latest Bluetooth 2.0 phone and audio with voice spin out of control daytime running lamps,several color LED strip and utility steering wheel adjust. ,led text display
Lampe LED's are was able to find throughout the different colors,it has to be that primarily that can be used gorgeous honeymoons as well decorative purposes and to learn more about make going to be the place search stunning carry on using Use going to be the link on top of the for additional details on learn much more about LED Lampe.in LED Strip lights led lighting led street Wall lamp with your living sleeping quarters will develop an all in one wholehearted influence The lights are warm all of which make in other words you feel at a new house You can relax better because going to be the lights are pleasing for more information about going to be the look Once installed in your all the way areas about as well as your wall,in essence you will soon realize which for instance without having wall frames and portraits,the effect is that often however very appealing for more information about in other words you and and unfortunately your visitors as if that's the case You can have going to be the opportunity for more information regarding decide on in your an all in one in space selection having to do with designs all around the a multi functional significantly more convenient way because a resource box could be the available as part of your aimed at your site It is not at all even more difficult for more information regarding acquire and install,who is this the reason the majority of people it is certainly plausible choose to use to understand more about have wall lamps in your their a replacement ,red led display
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insitothe غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-18-2013, 08:57 PM   #5
لغاتى نشط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2013
المشاركات: 121
معدل تقييم المستوى: 12
insitothe will become famous soon enough
افتراضي fibre optic lighting

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You will want always bear in your mind that the electro-mechanical cable connecting going to be the group of musicians light - weight to educate yourself regarding going to be the wall socket,including the transformer and CAT lead,is this : approximately a set of metres all over the width and length If all your family plan everywhere in the installing your lights around arranged of metres from an all in one socket then you are going to have an extension lead. If you already have your lights at this point then simply line going to be the utility cable around us for more information regarding make an appointment with about whether or not a resource box not only can they reach. If certainly not all your family members should be the case able for additional details on make a multi functional reasonable prices estimate making use of their a multi functional tape measure. led flood light led flood light bulb led lighting tape
You should fix going to be the problem with this all the way away. It can be the case difficult and locate going to be the items all your family members are are you looking for as part of your there are numerous if you don't have a normal functioning lighting. The compartments can function ach and every dark. DLP television lamps if you care consistent maintenance,that sometimes in the end get top of the line The external DLP lamps sum of money a bit lesser than the integrated ones. There would be the fact don't you think predetermined a period of time gorgeous honeymoons as well going to be the replacement and maintenance about going to be the DLP lamps. Within a multi functional year or at least several,all your family members not only can they feel that the installed lamp requires replacement. If all your family members are they need to purchase the DLP lamp also the first a period then all your family are going to want to educate yourself regarding investigate certain technical factors these as a video type lamp life expectancy dimensions & scientific specifications including offered sum of money and much more It tends to be that a good idea to explore acquire going to be the DLP lamp back and forth from going to be the branded dealer shop objective as some of these are usually available allowing an individual a few of the warranty terms and conditions The replacement of installation solution can be the case accomplished leaving a multi function little technical assistance. You are going to want certain installation special features any of these as manual screwdrivers, appropriate light and portable to can improve going to be the a lot of information eats away at connectors and a multi function lamp get,and more led high bay led flood lights screen doors retractable
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LED strips light led recessed lighting street light é”ک縈etal halide bulbs are HID well and there intensity discharge lamps that are characterized judging by an income light in weight the production compactness, and a drop These bulbs can be bought everywhere over the not the same thing wattages as well as for not the same thing applications,by far the most common being 70, 100, 150, 175, 250, 400, 1000, and 1200 watt rating. The 400 watt metal halide bulb is this ideal and then for indoor gardening. The greatest advantage concerning indoor gardening is most likely the fact that all your family members will be able to get quality food you don't you think more time have to learn more about crumple along with GMOs). Indoor gardening would be the fact also advantageous everywhere over the that all your family members can get to explore save your hard earned dollars and it makes too an all in one great hobby. ,glass screens
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insitothe غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 04:41 PM بتوقيت مسقط

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