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ساحة المترجمين والأعمال ساحة لعروض المترجمين وطلبات الترجمة الاحترافية وتبادل الأعمال بين الشركات والأفراد

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قديم 08-31-2019, 04:07 PM   #1
ريم حسام
لغاتى ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2018
المشاركات: 576
معدل تقييم المستوى: 7
ريم حسام will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Lg introduces new


With Powerful All-Around Performance, New 5K Monitor Offers Extended
Usability and Seamless Connectivity with Mac and iPad Pro

SEOUL, July 31, 2019 — LG Electronics (LG) today introduced a new 27-inch UltraFineTM 5K Display (model 27MD5KL) which, along with the company’s 24-inch UltraFine 4K Display (model 24MD4KL), gives consumers two high-quality monitors that are designed specifically for the latest Apple products.

LG’s UltraFine displays deliver amazing image quality when connected to a Mac or iPad Pro. Designed to enhance productivity, the LG UltraFine 5K delivers powerful all-around performance and the latest connectivity options. With Thunderbolt 3 and USB Type-C support, the monitor is an ideal companion for the latest Mac notebooks and desktops, as well as iPad Pro. LG’s 5K monitor allows users to configure a versatile Mac workstation with video, audio and data transfer through a single cable. And thanks to 94 watts of power, the UltraFine 5K can also charge any USB-C compliant host such as Mac or iPad.

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