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منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة الانجليزية

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قديم 05-05-2010, 07:08 PM   #2
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 45
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough


Whole or Hole

1) Whole

Whole is a noun which means the entire thing
المعنى العربي: الكل

Example: The novel, on the whole, kept my attention

Whole could also be an adjective which means full or entire
المعنى العربي: كل / كاملاً
Example: Eventhough I was not hungry, I ate my whole lunch


Hole is a noun which means a gap or opening
المعنى العربي = فتحة أو فجوة

Example: The hole in the dog's tooth needs to be cleaned

More Examples

wrong: Jim worked the hole day mending the fence
correct: Jim worked the whole day mending the fence

wrong: There was a whole in the wall
correct: There was a hole in the wall

The cloth was whole except for a small hole

All together or Altogether

1) Altogether

Altogether is an adverb meaning completely, entirely
المعنى العربي: كلياً

Example: When he first saw the examination questions, he was altogether baffled
Altogther, I'm sorry it happened

2) All together

All together is a phrase meaning in a group
المعنى العربي: جميعاً
Example: The wedding guests were gathered all together in the garden
The prisoners were herded all together

More Examples

wrong: ِAnna doesn't all together approve of me
correct: ِAnna doesn't altogether approve of me

wrong: We were altogether at the party
correct: We were all together at the party

wrong: There were all together 20 people at the dinner
correct: There were altogether 20 people at the dinner

Peace or Piece

1) Peace

Peace is a state of mutual harmony between people or groups / freedom from war
المعنى العربي: السلام

Example: Try to live in peace with your neighbors
Does our country want peace or war


Piece is a limited portion or quantity of something
المعنى العربي = قطعة

Example: I want a a piece of chocolate
She bought a lovely piece of china

More Examples

wrong: You prefer piece to war, don't you
correct: You prefer peace to war, don't you

wrong: Each boy ate a peace of cake
correct: Each biy ate a piece of cake

wrong: It is easy to start a war; it is difficult to make piece
correct: It is easy to start a war; it is difficult to make peace

wrong: Sylvia has the last peace of the puzzle
correct: Sylvia has the last piece of the puzzle

Colthes or Cloths

1) Clothes

Clothes means coverings for a person's body
المعنى العربي: ملابس

Example: I bought a jacket, jeans, and other clothes
He always bought his clothes at the same store

2) Cloths

Cloths means woven or knitted material made from wool, cotton
silk, rayon, or other fiber
المعنى العربي: القماش

Example: The cloth of the table is made of cotton
Gather all table cloths for the laundry

More Examples

wrong: I wish I were more interested in cloths
correct: I wish I were more interested in clothes

wrong: The dish clothes should be soaking
correct: The dish cloths should be soaking

wrong: She usually wears smart/casual cloths
correct: She usually wears smart/casual clothes

wrong: I need some we clothes to wipe off the tables
correct: I need some we cloths to wipe off the tables

No, Know, Now, Knew or New

1) No

No means that you can't or won't, or that something is wrong
المعنى بالعربي كلا - لا - أو ممنوع و يلفظ (نو)

Exanple1: Will you come
Example2: No smoking

2) Know

Know means to recognize, to understand, or to be acquainted with
المعنى بالعربي يعلم أو يعرف و يلفظ (نو)

Example: I know her very well
I don't know Spanish

3) Now

Now means at this time
المعنى بالعربي الآن و تلفظ (ناو)

Example1: He is here now
Get out now

4) Knew

Knew means recognized, Understood, or was acquainted with
(it is the past of know)
المعنى بالعربي علم أو عرف هو أيضا الفعل الماضي من know و يلفظ (نيو)

Example: She knew the right answers
I knew Mary from a long time

5) New

New means fresh, recent or not late
المعنى بالعربي جديد أو حديث (تلفظ نيو)

Exanple1: Sunrise marks a new day
I got a new dress
Today I learned new information

More Example

We must leave now
I didnt know his name
She had a new hat
I knew the whole story
He has no reason to leave

Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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عبارات ايطالية شائعة Ennaser منتدى اللغة الإيطالية 8 09-26-2010 11:11 AM

الساعة الآن 02:37 AM بتوقيت مسقط

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