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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 03-25-2010, 10:05 PM   #1
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2010
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
alelbait is on a distinguished road
افتراضي English For You 80 CD's

English For You 80 CD's

المحتوي :

English For beginner Levels:

01 - Nice to meet you! (1h01m31s)
02 - How are you? (58m57s)
03 - What does she look like?
04 - Where are you from?
05 - Do you speak English?
06 - My family
07 - These are my relatives
08 - What do you do?
09 - Where do you work?
10 - What time is it?
11 - What day is it?
12 - How is the weather?
13 - What are you wearing?
14 - The Body
15 - What's the matter?
16 - Home sweet home
17 - Tell me about your furniture
18 - I'm hungry!
19 - What sports can you play?
20 - What did you do yesterday?
21 - What are you going to do?
22 - Would you like to go...?
23 - My Vacation
24 - How do you travel?
25 - How do you get there?
26 - Ask me a question
27 - I don't know
28 - Review I (Lessons 1 to 9)
29 - Review II (Lessons 10 to 18)
30 - Review III (Lessons 19 to 27

01 - Welcome
02 - Special days
03 - Entertaining
04 - At school
05 - Location
06 - Shopping
07 - Did you buy this for me?
08 - Activities
09 - Listen to the music
10 - What's for dinner?
11 - He is taller than I am
12 - What is the tallest mountain?
13 - At home
14 - At the station
15 - Do this
16 - Past experiences
17 - Future life
18 - I wish upon a star
19 - World knowledge
20 - Getting around
21 - Social Groups
22 - Dining out
23 - What are your job skills?
24 - Talking on the phone
25 - The Art
26 - Transportation
27 - Celebrations
28 - Review I (Lessons 1 to 9)
29 - Review II (Lessons 10 to 18)
30 - Review III (Lessons 19 to 27)

01 - Horror Films (55m57s)
02 - Rock N Roll
03 - Space
04 - On the farm
05 - At the hospital
06 - At the circus
07 - At the beach
08 - Crime doesn t pay
09 - At the a musement park
10 - At the grocey store
11 - At the playground
12 - Under the weather
13 - At the hotel
14 - Fairy Tales & Legends
15 - Christmas time
16 - In the workshop
17 - At the camp
18 - At the doctors
19 - Review 1 Lessons
20 - Review 2 Lessons

الآن على 5DVD
اتصل الان يصلك في أي مكان بمصر
alelbait غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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Loghaty English Chat Room.....Learn, Practice,Speak English Yellowpages منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية 7 07-29-2009 07:12 PM
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الساعة الآن 05:06 AM بتوقيت مسقط

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