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قديم 12-21-2008, 04:21 AM   #1
اسيرة الصمت
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 10
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
اسيرة الصمت is on a distinguished road
افتراضي عااااااااااااااجل للاهميه

السلام عليكم
انا محتاجه مساعدة الكل ...دكتورتي طلبت مني اقدم بريزنتيشن االسبت القادم ..وانا عندي اختبارات الان لمدة اسبوعين وماعندي وقت افكر او اني اكتب"اعرف انه المفروض انه انا اكتبه بس انا عندي اختبارات"..وشجعني منتداكم الرائع بالكتابه وطلب المساعده..طبعا دكتورتي طالبه يكون في موضوعي انه اتكلم اولا على اني اتفق مع مااتكلم عنه ثم اتكلم بعدها عن انني لااتفق مع مااتكلم عنه"الموضوع طبعا يكتب بالانجليزي"...
اللي يقدر يساعدني يكتب لي في احد الموضوعين الاول>> عن الافلام الرعب
والثاني>>عن الاعلانات التجاريه واثرها على المستهلكين ؟؟
انا عاجبني الموضوع الثاني لاني بحس انه كثييير من الناس بتتفق بوجود اثار لها على المستهلكين بجميع الفئات والباقيه بيشوف انه لايتفق نهائيا معها..
اللي حاب يساعدني يختار اي واحد من الاثنين ويليت اللي بيكتب لي يرسله على الخاص ..
وانا اوعدكم اني بعد الاختبارات حرجع لكم بفاعليه اكبر ..
ياليت يكون قبل نهايه الاسبوع هذا حتى اقدر اراجعه وافهمه..
انتظر ردودكم ومساعدتكم "الله يوفق من يساعدني .. باذن المولى لان انسى من يساعدني من الدعاء له"
اسيرة الصمت غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-21-2008, 10:01 AM   #2
بحبك بجنون
الصورة الرمزية بحبك بجنون
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 33
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
بحبك بجنون is on a distinguished road

طيب بصى دى اول مساعدة منى فى الموضوع
انا ححاول اساعدك وحوجهك برضو وحسهلك الدنيا خالص
الاول دا بحث عن الاعلانات وتاريخها وكدا
Advertising research is a specialized form of marketing research conducted to improve the efficiency of advertising. According to MarketConscious.com, “It may focus on a specific ad or campaign, or may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the information in advertising. It can entail a variety of research approaches, including psychological, sociological, economic, and other perspectives.
1879 - N.W. Ayer conducts custom research in an attempt to win the advertising business of Nichols-Shepard Co., a manufacturer of agricultural machinery.[2]

1895 - Harlow Gale of the University of Minnesota mails questionnaires to gather opinions about advertising from the public.[2]

1900s - George B. Waldron conducts qualitative research for Mahin’s Adverstising Agency[3]

1910s - 1911 can be considered the year marketing research becomes an industry. That year, J. George Frederick leaves his position as editor of Printer’s Ink to begin his research company, the Business Bourse with clients such as General Electric and the Texas Co. Also in 1911, Kellogg Co.’s ad manager, R.O. Eastman creates the Association of National Advertisers which is now known as the Association of National Advertising Managers. The group’s first project is a postcard questionnaire to determine magazine readership. The results introduce the concept of duplication of circulation. In 1916, R.O. Eastman starts his own company, the Eastman Research Bureau which boasts clients such as Cosmopolitan, Christian Herald, and General Electric.[4]

1920s - In 1922, Dr. Daniel Starch tests reader recognition levels of magazine and newspaper advertisements and editorial content. In 1923, Dr. George Gallup begins measuring advertising readership.[4]

1930s - In 1936, Dr. George Gallup validates his survey methodology by using the same tools polling voters during public elections. This allows him to successfully compare and validate his study's results against the election’s results.[5]

1940s - Post World War II, the U.S. sees a large increase in the number of market research companies.[5]

1950s - Market researchers focus on improving methods and measures. In their search for a single-number statistic to capture the overall performance of the advertising creative, Day-After-Recall (DAR) is created.[6]

1960s - Qualitative focus groups gain in popularity.[7]

1970s - Computers emerge as business tools, allowing researchers to conduct large-scale data manipulations. (Honomichl p.175) Multiple studies prove DAR (Recall) scores do not predict sales. The measure, persuasion, also known as motivation, is validated as a predictor of sales.[8] The measure known as “breakthrough” is re-examined by researchers who make a distinction between the attention-getting power of the creative execution (attention) and how well “branded” the ad is (brand linkage). [9] Herbert Krugman seeks to measure non-verbal measures biologically by tracking brain wave activities as respondents watch commercials. (Krugman) Others experiment with galvanic skin response, voice pitch analysis, and eye-tracking.[10]

1980s - Researchers begin to view commercials as a “structured flow of experience” rather than a single unit to be rated on the whole, creating moment-by-moment systems such as the dial-a-meter.[11]

1990s - Ameritest Research creates Picture Sorts to provide accurate non-verbal measurements in a moment-by-moment system. Picture Sorts results are graphed to visually represent commercial viewers' moment-by-moment image recognition (Flow of Attention), positive and negative feelings (Flow of Emotion), and brand values (Flow of Meaning).[12]

2000s - Global advertisers seek an integrated marketing research system that will work worldwide so they can compare results across countries.[13] For a look at trends predicted for advertising research in the 21st century, see Seven Trends for the Future.
Research can be conducted to optimize advertisements for any medium: radio, television, print (magazine, newspaper or direct mail), outdoor billboard (highway, bus, or train), or Internet. Different methods would be applied to gather the necessary data appropriately. First, there are two types of research, customized and syndicated. Customized research is conducted for a specific client to address that client’s needs. Only that client has access to the results of the research. Syndicated research is a single research study conducted by a research company with its results available, for sale, to multiple companies
Pre-testing, also known as copy testing, is a form of customized research that predicts in-market performance of an ad, before it airs, by analyzing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainment, and communication, as well as breaking down the ad’s Flow of Attention and Flow of Emotion.[15] Pre-testing is also used on ads still in rough form – e.g., animatics or ripomatics. Pre-testing is also used to identify weak spots within an ad to improve performance, to more effectively edit 60’s to 30’s or 30’s to 15’s, to select images from the spot to use in an integrated campaign’s print ad, to pull out the key moments for use in ad tracking, and to identify branding moments
Post-testing/Ad tracking studies can be customized or syndicated. Tracking studies provide either periodic or continuous in-market research monitoring a brand’s performance, including brand awareness, brand preference, product usage and attitudes. Advertising tracking can be done by telephone interviews or online interviews—with the two approaches producing fundamentally different measures of consumer memories of advertising, recall versus recognition.

وآدى كمان بحث مطول من جامعة ستانفورد فى امريكا عن الدعاية والاعلان
سبب الموافقة والرفض دى بتاعتك انتى بقى
وانا ساعدتك على قد ما اقدر اهو وعلشان مساعدتى كمان تكون كويسة حجيبلك بحث عن افلام الرعب كمان
علشان مكونش مقصر خالص بس برضو اسباب الموافقة والرفض دى بتاعتك انتى انا ساعدتك واختصرت
كتير لوقتك بس لازم برضو تكونى بتعرفى تعبرى عن الموضوع
بحبك بجنون غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-21-2008, 10:08 AM   #3
بحبك بجنون
الصورة الرمزية بحبك بجنون
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 33
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
بحبك بجنون is on a distinguished road

وهنا بحث عن افلام الرعب scary movies

Scary Movies
Many people feel threatened by watching scary movies. Watching scary movies creates a feeling of insecurity. But they are healthy and everyone should experience watching them. While watching them the viewer can feel the adrenaline running through their veins without putting themselves in danger. After the movie is done the movie viewer can go back to their normal life. Scary movies provide a safe atmosphere for experiencing emotions such as fear and excitement. By not watching them you are only depriving yourself.
Scary movies are a therapeutic way of safely experiencing danger. They should not frighten the viewer, instead the viewer should enjoy watching them. Average people who don t lead a dangerous life style can go see a movie like Scream and get to experience emotions that they may not have been exposed to before. The person watching that movie must keep in mind that it s only a movie and not reality. Some people are afraid to swim in the ocean after watching Jaws, they should not be afraid because it s a fictional story and is very unlikely to happen in real life. It is a fact that sharks don t like to eat humans because we are too bony for them. Scary movies are just like other movie but they help you experience additional emotions. In the film Scary Movie many people get killed, when that is happening the viewer feels scared, and may not have experience that feeling if they didn t go to see a scary movie. To be healthy people need to expose themselves to different types of emotions.
After safely viewing the healthful scary movie the viewer can go back to his/her normal live. James Windell says, The fact is, though, that most children, like many adults, like to be scared by books and movies and rides at amusement parks. Generally these forms of amusement provide harmless ways of getting excitement. But they also offer something else. And that is a context in which they can master fear. For example the viewer may have experienced fear many times throughout The Haunting. After the movie came to an end the fear disappeared. The truth is that they have nothing to fear because the life style they are watching isn t their own. In Scream 2 the characters get brutally murdered by the killer. This will frighten the viewer, but no matter how scared the viewer gets they will return to their regular life when they return home from the movie.
The viewer can watch these exuberating movies without fear of putting themselves in danger. All the things the viewer sees on the screen are just pictures. The atmosphere around them is just walls, chairs and other viewers. The moviegoer isn t part of the action they are merely looking at it. For example if the viewer is watching I know what you did last summer, a man with a hook isn t chasing them. They are in the safety of the movie theatre or their home and are watching that happen to some fictional character.
Even though many people are frightened by scary movies, there are benefits of watching them. They are safe and help the moviegoer experience emotions. All moviegoers should go see movies like Scream, Scary Movie, The Haunting and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer and Jaws.

لاى سؤال تانى اوعى تتأخرى عن سؤالها وانا تحت امرك فى اى وقت
بحبك بجنون غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-24-2008, 03:04 PM   #4
اسيرة الصمت
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 10
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
اسيرة الصمت is on a distinguished road

بحبك بجنون
الف شكر على المسااااااعده الرائعه ..بس انا عايزه الموضوع بيبقى مثل المسرحيه ..يعني انا اتناقش مع طالبه ثانيه وبكون اتفق مع ما اتكلم عنه وهي بتكون معارضه تماما على الموضوع..
اسيرة الصمت غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-28-2008, 09:24 PM   #5
اسيرة الصمت
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 10
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
اسيرة الصمت is on a distinguished road

ويييينكم مافيه احد بيساعدني انا متامله فيكم خير ...ارجوكم اللي بيقدر يساعدني يكون بسرعه .......
الله يجزاكم كل خير ويوفقكم جميـــعـــــــــــــــــــــــا
اسيرة الصمت غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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