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منتدى اللغة العربية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة العربية وعلومها

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قديم 03-04-2013, 05:43 AM   #1
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2013
الدولة: Bahrain
العمر: 41
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
jennimilwee386 will become famous soon enough
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10 Basic but Proven Tips to Fix Your Bad Credit Rating 10 Ways You Can Market Your Mlm Blog Posts With Social Power Linking http://ovglife.com/blogs/entry/Balco...yard-Gardening http://www.mcmp.org/content/airsoft-...comment-102960 Before we go into the ten affiliate marketing secrets to supercharge your affiliate site profits, you need to make sure you have a proper running website that promotes affiliate products. These tips just would not work if you are simply using a أ¯آ؟آ½************-cutterأ¯آ؟آ½ duplicate affiliate website that the product owner has handed to you that thousand others have. Okay, if you have a website created with unique content to promote affiliate programs, here are the secrets to make your affiliate marketing site a successful one.1. Provide unique content. You often hear people say that Content is King. This is a half-truth. Content is not King, Unique Content is. Give your prospects good informational content that really is targeted to help them. It is fine if you come across a few good articles and decide to post them on your website to add value. But be sure to obtain the permission of the original content writer.2. Holistic website theme. The whole theme of your website must flow well throughout the page. This means that the graphics and logo must blend well to project a natural and professional look.3. Make sure your content is printer-friendly. People like to read offline as well. So make it easy for them. When they are reading, they should see your website link at the bottom of the page. This gives them a chance to come back again.4. Create easy to navigate pages. A site map is useful. Organize your pages into nice categories so that it is not frustrating for your readers to find what they want.5. Offer free stuff on your site. Freebies are always popular and well received. You are basically creating value for your prospects to encourage them to spread the word about your website. Did you remember how you found out about a certain free resource because you heard it from someone else? This is by far one of the most effective affiliate marketing secrets. 6. Make all your website links clickable. Always test them out first so that there are no broken links. Broken links are breeders of lost opportunities.7. Build a FAQ page if you are selling your in-house products. Brainstorm and come up with a list of probable questions people might ask. This is to help your prospect better understand your product. Affiliates fail to realize that it can be used to presell as well. FAQ page also saves you time in answering product-related queries. 8. Make it convenient for your visitors to contact you. A Contact Me page is better than just leaving your email address.9. Allow your visitors to comment at your website. People love to contribute their opinions. Creating a platform like this encourages discussion. This builds interest and buzz.10. Promote your site by building links to your website. Exchange links with other related websites or buy them. What you are doing is creating a thematic web presence.Applying these top 10 affiliate marketing secrets would not only bring in tons of visitors but improve your affiliate sales. One last advice is to constantly update your website with fresh and informative content so that you would receive repeated visitors and customers. Make them happy and they will make it worthwhile for you. Discover more secrets of affiliate marketing as I reveal them to you in my free report. 11 Fail Proof Habits for Producing a Floodgate of Energy http://trip2.asia/space.php?uid=22069&do=blog&id=77646 $500 Per Day - Thats Right-$500 A Day - Thats What Their Making $85,000 UD Legendary Cuts Card May Have Two Fake Autographs! http://zephyrhat.fashionblogster.com/
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