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منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة الانجليزية

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قديم 05-14-2020, 05:03 AM   #1
لغاتى ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2020
المشاركات: 384
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
gogoreham will become famous soon enough
افتراضي Powerful Ruqyah charia for Black Magic Curses | healing Ruqyah charia

Symptoms of black magic
1- If the eaten drink or drink is new, the charmed person often complains of abdominal pain.
2- Feeling of permanent stomach pain with nausea and constant vomiting at the beginning of the case (not in all cases).
3- Nausea (increasing the time of ruqyah), unless the magic is old or spread throughout the body.
4- Lack of gas in the abdomen.
5- Feel a splash in the abdomen at the time of ruqyah.
6- He feels like a ball in the esophagus and the pharynx is still or moving, especially at the time of reading.
7 - He feels warm in his belly and even in his body in general, especially at the time of ruqyah.
8- Bad breath from the stomach (by mouth) increases the time of ruqyah.
9 - feel pain and cut in the stomach at the time of ruqyah.
10- Unwillingness to eat (not in all cases).
11- Chronic constipation (in some cases).
12- Severe pain during the menstrual period (in women).
13- Weakness of vision (eyesight), and you may see in his eyes a mysterious luster that flows like a magnetic radiation (blurry vision)
14- He may see complicated or wrapped hair or ropes in front of his eyes, even if the eyes are closed, and this is often in the eating and drinking magic.
gogoreham غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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