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قديم 05-20-2007, 06:52 PM   #1
The smile
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2007
العمر: 37
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
The smile is on a distinguished road
افتراضي أحدى طرق العلاج باللعب // ترجمة .!!


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أحبتي رواد منتديات لغاتي .. //

طُلب مني ترجمة نص
وذلك لـ إلقاءه
أتمنى منكم مساعدتي في ذلك
ولكم جزيل الشكر والعرفان

النص .. //

Expressive Arts Playdough

Lynn B.Hadley


playdoh is an invaluable tool in play therapy work
with young school-age children .
The addition of creative arts materials to be used
with the dough opens new avenues for expression .
The familiar and playful nature of the colorful
dough , ************ cutters , and art materials helps
to engage children while at the same time relaxing
defenses . Basic play therapy techniques encourage
maximum benefits from the process .


The easy malleability of the dough and its
transformational properties facilitates a child's
ability to actually play with and give a form to
significant issues while maintaining '' control ''
over the material . The process of working with the
dough as it changes form may serve as a helpful metaphor
for change .



Materials needed : Playdough ( assorted colors ) ,
************ cutters ( a pre-selected assortment including human
figures , animals , angel , heart , skull , house , castle ,
etc ., to represent a range of emotional themes ) ,
rolling pin ,art materials ( rhinestones , feathers ,
jiggle eyes , feathers , toothpicks , paper scissors ,
pencil , markers , craft sticks ) , hammer or pounding
tool , plastic knife . As with clay work , the child
is encouraged to explore properties of the playdough .
The therapist's role may vary from quietly molding some
of the dough to actively demonstrating a range of possible
behaviors for the client ( including fun , expression of
feeling , and verbalizing while playing ) . There is
typically an initial period of playing with the dough and
************ cutters , testing the materials and therapist
responses , before the child enters the working phase of
the session , in which symbols are selected and developed .
The therapist may suggest in general terms how the art
materials may enhance the images the child creates .
Each child will approach the use of dough differently ,
and the therapist must be sensitive to cues from the child
in determining the pacing and nature of therapist
participation and interventions . This clinician has
observed two major categories of behavior with the
playdough : (1) creation of a primary symbolic figure
or sculpture , and (2) creation of multiple figures
and shapes that can be played with in much the same
ways as toys . However , unlike toys , these figures
can be transformed , elaborated , destroyed , and
recreated . The therapist may use expressive arts
playdough technique as a nondirected or directed therapeutic
experience , depending upon philosophical orientation
and client needs .


The technique may facilitate therapist goals in the
areas of relationship building , mastery over trauma
and fear , understanding and coping with life changes ,
as well as enhancing self-esteem and increasing
verbaliza-tions . The therapist introduces the client
to the materials , and suggests that he or she begin
with the dough . Because of the regressive quality
of the medium , this technique is especially helpful in
allowing children to approach anxiety-provoking feelings ,
thoughts , and experiences . For example , an 8-year-old
cancer patient was spontaneously talking about fears
of death , when she became highly anxious and stopped
talking . She immediately proceeded to carry out the
theme with the playdough by decorating elaborate cut-out
angels of different sizes . Recommended for ages 4-10 .

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