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قديم 09-19-2008, 01:10 PM   #1
لغاتى جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
almarzoog is on a distinguished road
افتراضي plz someone help me it this

i need your help in this essey
there is alot of mistake please someone find it and fix it please

One day at about 2 P.M., when my little sister came from her school, she told me that she had some very bad news for me. I didn’t even pay attention to it because I was so busy chatting with my friend over the net. I just skipped what she told me and asked her to tell me her news later.
Shortly after that I came out of my room. I went downstairs and I found my family gathered together around in the table in the kitchen. I realized that something unpleasant has occurred. After I joined the meeting m father told that we will move on to another city because of working conditions. At that moment I became in a state of shock I didn’t know what to say so I kept silence and went up stairs to my room. I stayed awake all night thinking what will become of my life after moving to another city.
While I was lying in the bed I kept away the thought of being separated from my friends and relatives, and I tried to look to the matter from another vision. I thought by moving to another city I will gain new experience. I thought it is great because I had the feeling that my life is boring, and by moving to another city my life my will get more interesting.
The day after that I went to the school and I told mr friends and teachers about the news. All of them expressed their sorrow for hearing the news and they have agreed on doing a farewell party for me. In the same day I went to my grandfather house where my uncles and aunts have gathered. I told them the news and they all were surprised because my father hasn’t said a word to them about moving to another city. They expressed their sorrow the same way as my friends did and they promised me that they will organize a farewell party for the family after they confirm the news from my father.
After that I returned home and I went directly to the kitchen where my mother was. I told her that my uncles and aunts haven’t hearted the news about us moving to another city. My mother laughed after hearing me because I have misunderstood my father. It seams that my father will travel alone for three weeks. In that time I had all sorts of feeling: A feeling of happiness because I will stay near my relative and my friend, and a feeling of sadness because I loved the way relative and my friends treated me after hearing the news. After that I called my relative and I corrected the misunderstanding.
The next day I went to school like any normal day. The whole class was flamboyant and the food was everywhere. I sat on the chair as it not my business thinking of a way to tell them what happened but I couldn’t, so I kept silent. The party has started. each student said a word for me and then it was my turn to tell them something. In that moment my uncle who is a teacher in my school has come to the class and asked me to tell them what happened. I was so embarrassed so I asked him to do it and I left the classroom.
It was the most embarrassed situation I had been in. it was an experience that I don.t wish to go through it again. It might be a situation anyone might face
almarzoog غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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