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انا عضوة نيو هان وبدي منكو مساعدة ويارب تكونو قدها انا لسا طالبة انجلش سنة اولى والدكتور طلب منا مصطلحات نجيب تعريفهم وبتمنى حد يجيبلي اياهم لاني ما بعرف من وين اجيبهم من وين اجيبهم وهي المصطلحات للي حابب يساعدني 1 rhetorical question 2 capidalism 3 alienation guilty 4 superstation 5 6 umnisciient 7 patriachy 8 domanistic viollence 9 syllogism 10 syllogism 11 primary sence 12 revolutionary consciousness وبس معي اصلن يا رب حد يقدر يجيبهم:o |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله اختي الفاضلة خذي هذا المترجم وان شاء الله تدعين لي بكل خير هذا من نوع اخر ودائما خذي في الترجمة اذا تعددت المعاني اول وحدة فهي الاساس لاستعمال الكلمة والبقية استعما لات اخرى
بعد فك الظغط اظغطي على الملف الداخي المظغوط ايضا وهو يفتح مباشرة ثم ضعي الكلمة المراد ترجمتها في المستطيل واظغطي المعنى وترين الترجمة تحتها مبا شرة والعكس كذالك ان كانت الترجمة من العربية االى الانجليزية فهو يدعم اللغتين من والى http://up.up700.com/extension/zip.gif |
اولا مشكور اخ اللبيب بس هادا البرنامج للترجمة مو لتعريف المصطلحات وانا بدي تعريف لامو ترجمة
rhetorical questions
The rhetorical question is usually defined as any question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks. For example, "Why are you so stupid?" is likely to be a statement regarding one's opinion of the person addressed rather than a genuine request to know. Similarly, when someone responds to a tragic event by saying, "Why me, God?!" it is more likely to be an accusation or an expression of feeling than a realistic request for information. Apart from these more obviously rhetorical uses, the question as a grammatical form has important rhetorical dimensions. For example, the rhetorical critic may assess the effect of asking a question as a method of beginning discourse: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" says the persona of Shakespeare's 18th sonnet. This kind of rhetorical question, in which one asks the opinion of those listening, is called anacoenosis. This rhetorical question has a definite ethical dimension, since to ask in this way generally endears the speaker to the audience and so improves his or her credibility or ethos. The technical term for rhetorical questions in general i What is capitalism? Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned. Under capitalism the state is separated from economics (production and trade), just like the state is separated from religion. Capitalism is the system of of laissez faire. It is the system of political freedom Alienation may refer to: Alienation (property law), the legal transfer of title of ownership to another party "Alienation", the medical term for splitting apart of the faculties of the mind Social alienation, the individual subject's estrangement from its community, society, or world Marx's theory of alienation, the separation of things that naturally belong together, or antagonism between things that are properly in harmony Alienation effect, a theatrical and cinematic device by which the audience is "alienated" from a play or film Guilty justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime A superstation is an independent broadcast station whose signal is picked up and redistributed by satellite to local cable television systems having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things. Omniscient Patriarchy is the structuring of society on the basis of family units, in which fathers dominate their wife and children with an authoritarian household regime. The concept of patriarchy is often used, by extension (in anthropology and feminism, for example), to refer to the expectation that men take primary responsibility for the welfare of the community as a whole, acting as representatives via public office. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ الموقع ده تقدري تجيبي منه باقي تعريفات الكلمات موقع شامل وممتاز |
مرسي كتيرررررررررررررررررررررررررر ع مجهودك بس باقي المصطلحات ما عرفت اجيبهم من الموقع فيا ريت تتكرم وتكمل معروفك وتكملي الباقي والله يوفقك يا رب |
الساعة الآن 05:03 PM بتوقيت مسقط |
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