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مساعدة يا مترجمين
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الله يجزاكم خير ابغى ترجمة هذا النص The president has said he hasn’t taken any options off the table, but let’s take a look at why we think this strategy could work,” he said. “We have interesting data points over the past year, about Iran trying to deflect pressure when they thought that pressure was coming, which suggests that their ability to calculate costs and benefits is quite real. Last June, when they hadn’t responded to our bilateral outreach, the president said that we would take stock by September. Two weeks before the G-20”—a meeting of the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies—“the Iranians said they would talk, after having resisted talking until that point. They didn’t do it because suddenly they saw the light; they did it because pressure was coming. They’re able to think about what matters to them.” Ross went on to argue that the sanctions Iran now faces may affect the regime’s thinking. “The sanctions are going to cut across the board. They are taking place in the context of Iranian mismanagement—the Iranians are going to have to cut [food and fuel] subsidies; they already have public alienation; they have division in the elites, and between the elites and the rest of the country. They are looking at the costs of trying to maintain control over a disaffected public. They wanted to head off sanctions because they knew that sanctions would be a problem. There is real potential here to affect their calculus. We’re pursuing a path right now that has some potential. It doesn’t mean you don’t think about everything else, but we’re on a path.” One question no administration official seems eager to answer is this: what will the United States do if sanctions fail? Several Arab officials complained to me that the Obama administration has not communicated its intentions to them, even generally. No Arab officials I spoke with appeared to believe that the administration understands the regional ambitions of their Persian adversary. One Arab foreign minister told me that he believes Iran is taking advantage of Obama’s “reasonableness.” |
وينكم يامترجمين????
صرّح الرئيس بأنه لم يتخذ اي خيارات من على الطاولة, " و لكن دعونا نلقي نظرة لماذا نعتقد ان هذه الاستراتيجية يمكن ان تنجح" قال الرئيس. لدينا نقاط من البيانات الهامة على مدى السنة الماضية, حول محاولة ايران لتخفيف الضغط عندما ظنوا ان الضغوط كانت قادمة, و الذي اوحى بان قدرتهم على حساب الفوائد و الخسارة حقيقية جداً.
و في شهر يونيو الماضي عندما لم يستجيبوا لتواصلنا الثنائي, قال الرئيس بأننا سنتخذ الاسهم لحلول شهر سبتمبر. و من اسبوعين قبل المجموعة 20, عقد اجتماع لقادة اكبر 20 شركة اقتصادية على مستوى العالم, و قال الايرانيين بأنهم كانوا يتحدثون, بعد ان تم مقاومة حديثهم حتى تلك النقطة. فهم لم يفعلوا ذلك لانهم رأوا الضوء فجأة, لكنهم فعلوا ذلك لان الضغوط كانت قادمة, فهم قادرون على التفكير بكل الامور التي تهمهم. وصلت مفاوضات الروس الى ان العقوبات التي تواجهها ايران في الوقت الحالي قد تؤثر على تفكير النظام. |
يعطيك العافية والله يجزاك خير يارب
الساعة الآن 05:20 PM بتوقيت مسقط |
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