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طلـب ترجمـة هذه آلجمـل ..
آلـــــسسسسسسـلآإم ..
آنـي عنـدي جمـل بآلآنجلـيزي وآلمطلـوب ترجمتـهآ All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at that time .. Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light Hey! How are you doing? Check this out: My life is like a puzzle. You're the missing piece that completes it .. Look down at your chest and a little to the left that's where I'll always be You're the reason whey i'm smiling every start of the day Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endureth his torments wil You see this smile? It's because of you If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do, and I wi The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws, differences, and mistakes and yet still sees the best in you it is challenge and i like challenges but it will give you pleasure when u live with someone who likes to discover you and you like to discover who and how is he or she!it is great experience as well I think that he said :see how much i love u i give u the only color thing in my life If I am having a bad day all I gotta do is think of you and then I feel better.. They ask me how I know its love. I tell them if I knew how to describe it, it wouldn't be love Really i hope that Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face, but those that fall from the heart and cover the soul !! I never stopped loving YOU ♥, I just stopped showing it.!!! "I like someone" ..........."Who is it? "......."its no one you know".......*it's you* Go after what you want, and if it doesn't want you back then so be it. It didn't deserve you anyway Everytime I think I am finally getting over you , it is like you know it, and then have to pop back into my life again so I can't forget Just when I have a reason to hate you, you give me a reason to love you Love isn't something you just throw around like nothing, do not say it unless you truly know what it means .... When you smile, The whole world stops !!!!!!!!!! Loved you once, love you still. Always have, always will I still remember the day when I first saw you Love isn't something you choose, It's something that takes over you It's so hard trying not to miss you .. O_o ...oooh that's n't ture ! ^_^ ...iam very well I lie to myself and say it's not love. Then why can't I stop thinking about you? I try my hardest and your face will still not go away Being alone isn't terrible, it just hurts like hell !!! iMaybe I did it all because I wanted to. Maybe I did it all because I needed to. Maybe I did it all for you. Me and you are two completely different people..and thats what makes our love unique. Someone is falling in love with your smile, so keep smiling!!! Trust me , you DONT want to know what goes on in my head!! you never leave my mind . even when I have a million things to worry about !!! Every time I close my eyes, I see you as though you're standing before me and I become scared to open them for fear you'll disappear .... Your my sunshine after the rain & your the cure against my fear and my pain it's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone,when you’re heart still does It's amazing story about guy he had died but his soul stiil around his girlfriend & whenhis girlfriend die in accident their soul be together 4 everMaybe i said that i hated you, but i actually love you more than anythingMaybe i said that i hated you, but i actually love you more than anythingi wish dreams were wishes & wishes came true because in my dreams im always with you sometimes you just have to smile , pretend everythings okay , hold back the tears and just walk away ............THAT IS SO SAD! If I had been the girl, I would have written "I love you too" on my hand... life doesn't always take you where you want to go but you always end up where your supposed to Let's RUN ..Away.. and ☻ don't ever LOOk back !! Don't ever LOOK back =) mmmyy heart stops when U LOOk at ME ..Now baby I belive !! this is real ;) so Take a chance and ♫ Don't ever LOOK back Say goodbye 2 all my fears ....♪ One good <SONG> may disappear ♫ & nothing in the ♫.♫. ♪ WORD can bring me down ;) ..♥♥.♫.♫.♪Music's in my soul It is a nice feeling when you know that some one loves you, misses you, needs you but it is better when you know that's some one never ever forgets you That's me You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, It's a love story, baby, just say yes وووووووووووبس ... |
ان شاء الله يترجمونها ويترجمون موضوعي ^^
الساعة الآن 05:58 AM بتوقيت مسقط |
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