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ياليت احد يساعدني بالبرجراف
السسسلام عليكم انا عندي برجرآف وبصرآآحه انحست فيه وموعد التسليم قرب ياليت احد يسسسآآعدني فيه وهذا هو PARAGRAPH WRITING ASSIGNMENT 2: Write a paragraph about the most valuable gift you have ever received. Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence that develops one main idea about that item followed by supporting sentences which explain why this item is considered so special. PART A: Before you write, plan your paragraph by filling in the following chart. (3 points) Topic sentence Support sentence 1 Support sentence 2 Concluding sentence Paragraph Marching Scheme Content (layout, vocabulary appropriateness and overall impression) .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 point earned ______ Accuracy (structure, spelling, punctuation and paragraphing) .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 point earned ______ PART B. Write your paragraph here. Be sure to give specific examples for each supporting sentence. Use transitions to connect your ideas. Edit your paragraph when you have finished. (12 points) وهذا شرح مبسط وحده شرحته لي بس انا زفت بالبرجراف وانا ابي درجه اوكي مقسم السؤال لقسمين القسم الاول PART A: Before you write, plan your paragraph by filling in the following chart. (3 points) يعني اكتبي العناصر الاساسيه للبراجراف وحاطين لك الجدول لازم تكتبين اربع جمل في الجدول يعني مثال Topic sentence The most valuoble gift I received is my car Support sentence 1 It's very nice Support sentence 2 It's very powerful Concluding sentence I like my car very much هذي الجمل تكتب في الجدول وبعدين في اخر صفحه تكتب التعبير كامل وتبدى في اول جمله وبعدين تكتب الثانيه وتكتب عليها 5 جمل او تشرحها في 5 جمل والجمله الثالثه وبروضو بعدها خمس جمل تقريباً واخر شي الجمله الاخيره اتمنى احد يقدر يسسآآعدني |
يعني ماااااااااااااااااااافي احد وييينكم :(
ياليت اقدر والله اساعدك ياشوق
ربي يوفقك |
I will try to help you if thereis enough time
الساعة الآن 12:36 AM بتوقيت مسقط |
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