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Hardware: The term hardware refers to the physical components of your computer oftware: The software is the instructions that makes The computer ****. . Information Technology (IT) :****ing in IT Types of Computer What is a mainframe computer? What is a mini- computer? What is a super- computer? What is the difference between a PC and a Mac? PC(Personal Computer) In the early days, most PCs ran an operating system Called DOS (Disk Operating System). These days Most PCs will be running a version of Microsoft Windows(Windows95, Windows98, NT or Windows2000). The Apple Mac is a computer, but NOT a PC. It uses a different operating system. What is a net****ed computer? A net**** allows You to connect two or more computers together. This allows data stored on one PC to be retrieved Dy other PCs connected to the net****. What are laptop & palmtops computers? Laptop computers as the name implies are small, VDUs (Visual Display Units) VERY small laptop What is the difference between intelligent and terminals? PCs CPU (Central Processing Unit The system Unit: The (the that houses the main PC box system Unit)is the name given to that houses the various Elements that go together to make up the PC The system (Mother)Board : The system (mother)board in contained within your system unit and all the Vital computer systems plug directly into the System board. The CPU: The CPU(Central Processing Unit) is Normally an lntel Pentium(or **********alent) and it Is one of the most important components within Your computer. Memory(RAM) The RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM-BIOS; (Read Only Memory- Basic lnput Output System). Serial port Parallel port Universal serial Bus (USB) The Monitor The keyboard CDROM Compact Disc- Read Only Memory) DVD Drives : (Digital Versatile Disc) allows you To use DVD disks. Hard (Fixed) Disk: Hard disk are the main, large Data storage within your computer hard disk are used To store your operating system, your application Programs.Thay are much faster than CD-ROMs And floppy disks and can also hold much more data. Sound cards and speakers Modems:A modems is a device that is used to attach Your computer to the telephone system. Printers: Scanners. Recordable CDs. Tape backup:A tape backup unit allows for regular Backing up of your data.These tapes can store a vast Amount of data at low cost. What are input devices? Input devices allows you to Input information to the computer and include things Such as the mouse. What are output devices? Printer monitor. The CPU (central processing unit): The CPU is the Brains within your computer.(RAM-Random Access Memory) The Mouse. The Keyboard Tracker Balls: is an alternative to the traditional Mouse and favored by graphic designers. Scanners ; allows you to scan printed material and convert it into a file format that may be used within the PC.you can scan pictures and then manipulate Touch pads: is a device that lays on the desktop and Responds to pressure. Light pens: light pen is used to allow users to point to areas on a screen and is often used to select menu choices Joysticks: Many games require a joystick for the proper Playing of the game. Wed cams: mounted on the PC montor to allow two- way Communication involving not just text communication But sound and video Communication as well. Digital cameras: the images are stored digitally in memory housed within the camera. The VDU computer or screen: visual display unit is the computer screen used for outputting information in an Understandable format for humanns. Flat screen monitors> Screen size> What is VGA Super VGA and XGA ? VGA(video graphics array ) XGA(or XGA compatible) Graophics for games Computer presentation projection devices. Different types of printer Laser printers Color laser printers Inkjet printers Dot matrix printers Printer memory. Cost of printer peripherals. Plotters: The system Unit: The (the that houses the main PC box system Unit)is the name given to that houses the various Elements that go together to make up the PC The system (Mother)Board : The system (mother)board in contained within your system unit and all the Vital computer systems plug directly into the System board. The CPU: The CPU(Central Processing Unit) is Normally an lntel Pentium(or **********alent) and it Is one of the most important components within Your computer. Memory(RAM) The RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM-BIOS; (Read Only Memory- Basic lnput Output System). Serial port Parallel port Universal serial Bus (USB) The Monitor The keyboard CDROM Compact Disc- Read Only Memory) DVD Drives : (Digital Versatile Disc) allows you To use DVD disks. Hard (Fixed) Disk: Hard disk are the main, large Data storage within your computer hard disk are used To store your operating system, your application Programs.Thay are much faster than CD-ROMs And floppy disks and can also hold much more data. Sound cards and speakers Modems:A modems is a device that is used to attach Your computer to the telephone system. Printers: Scanners. Recordable CDs. Tape backup:A tape backup unit allows for regular Backing up of your data.These tapes can store a vast Amount of data at low cost. What are input devices? Input devices allows you to Input information to the computer and include things Such as the mouse. What are output devices? Printer monitor. The CPU (central processing unit): The CPU is the Brains within your computer.(RAM-Random Access Memory) The Mouse. The Keyboard Tracker Balls: is an alternative to the traditional Mouse and favored by graphic designers. Scanners ; allows you to scan printed material and convert it into a file format that may be used within the PC.you can scan pictures and then manipulate Touch pads: is a device that lays on the desktop and Responds to pressure. Light pens: light pen is used to allow users to point to areas on a screen and is often used to select menu choices Joysticks: Many games require a joystick for the proper Playing of the game. Wed cams: mounted on the PC montor to allow two- way Communication involving not just text communication But sound and video Communication as well. Digital cameras: the images are stored digitally in memory housed within the camera. The VDU computer or screen: visual display unit is the computer screen used for outputting information in an Understandable format for humanns. Flat screen monitors> Screen size> What is VGA Super VGA and XGA ? VGA(video graphics array ) XGA(or XGA compatible) Graophics for games Computer presentation projection devices. Different types of printer Laser printers Color laser printers Inkjet printers Dot matrix printers Printer memory. Cost of printer peripherals. Plotters: Speakers] Internal hard disks> Capacity: often in excess of 10 gigabytes.A gigabyte is **********alent to 1024 megabytes. External hard disks: Speed: Normally slower that internal disks Cost: More expensive than internal disks. Zip drives[ Diskettes (floppy disks): Speed: very slow! Capacity: Normally 1.44 Mbytes. Cost: very cheap CD-ROM Disks: Speed: Much siowes than hard disks. Capacity:Around 650 Mbytes. DVD Drives: Speed: Much faster than CD-ROM drives but not as fast as hard disks. Capacity: up to 17 Gbytes. What is the difference between internal and extenal haed disks? Internal hard disks are located inside your main computer Unit, while external hard disks are joined to the main computer unit.Other extenal haed disks require the installation of a special card within your computer that Allows the connection of the extenal haed disks to the computer unit. What is RAM? Random Access Memory (RAM) is the main working memory used by the computer.Commonly modern computers are supplied with over 64 MB of RAM. What is ROM? Read Only Memory What is the ROM-BIOS? The Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System. بنات الله يعطيكم العافية ابغى كتبة ان شاء الله فهمتوا مشكورا مقدما |
بنتظركم احر من جمر
والله يا اختي كنت اتمنى اساعدك اكتر بس دا اللي قدرت عليه ورايا امتحان وحبيت اساعد شويا
Hardware: The term hardware refers to the physical هاردوير:ذي تيرم هاردوير ريفرز تو ذي فيسكال components of your computer كومبونينتس اوف يور كومبيوتر oftware: The software is the instructions that makes اوفتوير: ذي سوفتوير از ذي انستراكشنز ذات ميكز The computer **** ذي كومبيوتر Information Technology (IT) :****ing in IT انفورميشن تيكنولوجي (آي تي ) ***آي ان جي ان آي تي Types of Computer تيبس اوف كومبيوتر What is a mainframe computer? وات از أ مينفريم كومبيوتر؟ What is a mini- computer? وات از أ ميني كومبيوتر؟ What is a super- computer? وات از أ سوبر كومبيوتر؟ What is the difference between a PC and a Mac? PC(Personal Computer) وات از ذي ديفرينس بيتوين أ بي سي أند ا ماك؟ بي سي (بيرسونال كومبيوتر) In the early days, most PCs ran an operating system ان ذي ايرلي دايز موست بي سيس ران آن اوبريتينق سيستم Called DOS (Disk Operating System). These days كوليد دوس( ديسك اوبريتينق سيستم) ذيس دايز Most PCs will be running a version of Microsoft موست بي سيس ويل بي رنينق أ فيرجون اوف مايكروسوفت Windows(Windows95, Windows98, NT or Windows2000). ويندوز(ويندوز95,ويندوز98 نت اور ويندوز2000 The Apple Mac is a computer, but NOT a PC. It uses a different operating system. What is a net****ed computer? ذي ىبلي ماك از أ كومبيوتر بت نوت أ بي سي ات يوزس ا ديفرنت اوبريتنق سيستم وات از أ نت****أي دي كومبيوتر A net**** allows You to connect two or more computers together. أ نت***ألوووز يو تو كونكت توو مور كومبيوترز توقيذر This allows data stored on one PC to be retrieved Dy other PCs connected to the net****. ذيس الووز داتا ستوريد او وان بي سي بي ريترايفد دي اوذير بي سيس كونيكتد تو ذي نت What are laptop & palmtops computers? وات ار لابتوت اند بالمتوبس كومبيوتر Laptop computers as the name implies are small, لابتوب كومبيوتر از ذي نيم ايمبليس ار سمول VDUs (Visual Display Units) VERY small laptop What is the difference between intelligent and terminals? في دي يو،س(فيجول ديسبلاي يونتس) فيري سمول لابتوب PCs CPU (Central Processing Unit بي سيس سي بي يو (سنترال بروسسنق يونت The system Unit: The (the that houses the main PC box system Unit)is the name given to that houses the various Elements that go together to make up the PC ذي سستم يونت ذي (ذي ذا هاوسز ذي ميين بي سيبوكس سيستم يونت) از ذي نيم قيفن تو ذات هاوسيز ذي فايروس ايليمينتس ذات قو توقيذر تو ميك اب ذي بي سي The system (Mother)Board : The system (mother)board in contained within your system unit and all the Vital computer systems plug directly into the System board. ذي سيستم (موذر)بورد: ذي سيستم(موذير) ان كونتايند ويذن يور سيستم يونت أند أوول ذي فيتال كومبيوتر سيستم بلوق دايركتلي انتو ذي سيستم بورد The CPU: The CPU(Central Processing Unit) is Normally an lntel Pentium(or **********alent) and it Is one of the most important components within Your computer. ذي سي بي يو(ذي سي بي يو سينترال بروسسينق يونت) از نورملي ان انتل بينتيوم(اور********الينت) أند ات از وان اوف ذي موست ايمبورتنت كومبوننتس ويذن يور كومبيوتر Memory(RAM) The RAM (Random Access Memory) ميموري(رام)ذي رام (راندوم أكسس ميموري) ROM-BIOS; (Read Only Memory- Basic lnput Output System). روم بايوس ( ريد اونلي ميموري-بيسك انبوت اوتبت سيستم) Serial port سيريال بورت Parallel port باراليل بوت Universal serial Bus (USB) انفيرسال سيريال باس(يو اس بي) The Monitor ذي مونيتور The keyboard ذي كيبورد CDROM Compact Disc- Read Only Memory) سي دي روم كومبيوتر ديسك-رييد اونلي ميموري DVD Drives : (Digital Versatile Disc) allows you To use DVD disks. دي في دي درايفز(دايتال فيرستايل ديسك) ألوووس يو تو يوسد دي في دي ديسك ************************************************** ****** الله يوفقنا |
مشكورة والله مقصرتي الله يوفقك ان شاءالله
جزاك الله خيرا |
مين شاطر اللي يكمل
Hard (Fixed) Disk: Hard disk are the main, large Data storage within your computer hard disk are used To store your operating system, your application Programs.Thay are much faster than CD-ROMs And floppy disks and can also hold much more data. Sound cards and speakers Modems:A modems is a device that is used to attach Your computer to the telephone system. Printers: Scanners. Recordable CDs. Tape backup:A tape backup unit allows for regular Backing up of your data.These tapes can store a vast Amount of data at low cost. What are input devices? Input devices allows you to Input information to the computer and include things Such as the mouse. What are output devices? Printer monitor. The CPU (central processing unit): The CPU is the Brains within your computer.(RAM-Random Access Memory) The Mouse. The Keyboard Tracker Balls: is an alternative to the traditional Mouse and favored by graphic designers. Scanners ; allows you to scan printed material and convert it into a file format that may be used within the PC.you can scan pictures and then manipulate Touch pads: is a device that lays on the desktop and Responds to pressure. Light pens: light pen is used to allow users to point to areas on a screen and is often used to select menu choices Joysticks: Many games require a joystick for the proper Playing of the game. Wed cams: mounted on the PC montor to allow two- way Communication involving not just text communication But sound and video Communication as well. Digital cameras: the images are stored digitally in memory housed within the camera. The VDU computer or screen: visual display unit is the computer screen used for outputting information in an Understandable format for humanns. Flat screen monitors> Screen size> What is VGA Super VGA and XGA ? VGA(video graphics array ) XGA(or XGA compatible) Graophics for games Computer presentation projection devices. Different types of printer Laser printers Color laser printers Inkjet printers Dot matrix printers Printer memory. Cost of printer peripherals. Plotters: Speakers] Internal hard disks> Capacity: often in excess of 10 gigabytes.A gigabyte is **********alent to 1024 megabytes. External hard disks: Speed: Normally slower that internal disks Cost: More expensive than internal disks. Zip drives[ Diskettes (floppy disks): Speed: very slow! Capacity: Normally 1.44 Mbytes. Cost: very cheap CD-ROM Disks: Speed: Much siowes than hard disks. Capacity:Around 650 Mbytes. DVD Drives: Speed: Much faster than CD-ROM drives but not as fast as hard disks. Capacity: up to 17 Gbytes. What is the difference between internal and extenal haed disks? Internal hard disks are located inside your main computer Unit, while external hard disks are joined to the main computer unit.Other extenal haed disks require the installation of a special card within your computer that Allows the connection of the extenal haed disks to the computer unit. What is RAM? Random Access Memory (RAM) is the main working memory used by the computer.Commonly modern computers are supplied with over 64 MB of RAM. What is ROM? Read Only Memory What is the ROM-BIOS? The Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System. |
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