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eng.mahdi88 09-13-2010 07:57 PM

هدية العيد مني للمنتدى

على الرغم من انعدام الردود للاسف لدرجة ان عدد مشاهدات احد الكورسات التي انزلتها اقتربت من 300 مشاهدة أو اكثر بينما عدد الردود صفر ومع ذلك حبيت اعيد عليكم واقولكم ..

كل عام وانتم بخير

الموضوع عبارة عن كورس لكيفية النطق وبه العديد من التوضيحات والفروقات في الكلمات والحروف ومخارجها.

يعتبر هذا الكورس من أفضل الكورسات التي يتم تناولها بالمجتمع الامريكي

ولا تنسونا من دعواتكم.

غلاف الكورس

لقطات من الفيديو

تم الرفع على موقع


تم تقسيم الفيديوهات الي ملفات ... كل 5 فيديوهات برابط

من 1 الي 5

من 6 الي 10


ملاحظة : الكورس ليس بحاجة لكلمة مرور ولكني بحاجة لدعواتكم :tongue:

ان شاء الله تكون عجبتكم الهدية

ميسا 09-13-2010 08:50 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
تسلم ايدك اخي العزيز والغالي مهدي
تنعاد عليك بالصحة والعافية امين يا رب
تسلم ايدك على الكورس بوركت اناملك التي نقلت لنا كل ما هو مفيد
تحياتي وتقديري

eng.mahdi88 09-13-2010 08:57 PM

ميسا اهليييييين والله
كل عام وانتي بخير وبصحة وسعادة
ان شاء الله تكوني بخير
مرورك يكفيني اختي الغالية

كركور 09-13-2010 11:09 PM

شكرا جزيلا ربنا يبارك فيك
معلش فى الرابط الاول الدرس الثالث مش موجود والرابط الثالث الدرس 11 و 16 مش موجود
ارجو ان تحل هذه المشكلة معلش هتعبك معايا
ربنا يوفقك فى حياتك العلمية والعملية

koko2013 09-14-2010 01:17 PM

مشكور اخى وربنا يجعله فى صالح اعمالك كما نفعت به غيرك ودائما للامام واتمنى نكون جميعا مثلك فى العطاء

koko2013 09-14-2010 04:12 PM

حبيت اشكرك الاخت ميسا على كلاماته واقوالها المأثورة ويا ريت تكتر من تحفك الجميله لانى وبعد اذنك كتبتهم عشان استعين بيهم وقت الحاجه

eng.mahdi88 09-14-2010 04:54 PM

كركور وكوكو مشكورين كتير على مروركم الكريم
وهاي روابط لكل فيديو على حدا وشغلات 100% ومجربات كمان بعد التنزيل وان شاء الله بتستفيدوا


15 A
15 B

كركور 09-14-2010 11:37 PM

شكرا جزيلا يا جميل معلش تعبتك معايا
مش عارف اشكرك ازاى ربنا يجعله فى ميزان حسناتك وادعى لى انا اتمكن من هذه اللغة

so soft 09-15-2010 12:48 AM

Thank you so much
May Allah reward you

eng.mahdi88 09-15-2010 06:22 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كركور (المشاركة 270526)
شكرا جزيلا يا جميل معلش تعبتك معايا
مش عارف اشكرك ازاى ربنا يجعله فى ميزان حسناتك وادعى لى انا اتمكن من هذه اللغة

العفو اخي لا تعب ولا اشي وان شاء الله بتتمكن من اللغة

eng.mahdi88 09-15-2010 06:23 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة so soft (المشاركة 270531)
Thank you so much
May Allah reward you

So Soft ... you are welcome all the time and thnx for you'r passing

كركور 09-15-2010 10:52 PM

شكرا جزيلا يا جميل بس معلش كل لما اذاكر درس الى مش فهماها هسالك فيه ممكن ؟؟؟؟؟؟
ولو تتضايق قول لا ؟؟؟؟ انا مش هزعل
اوك ولو عايز اسالك عن طريق الاميل ماشى انا موافقة
وهل انت متمكن من اللغة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
معلش انا طولت عليك

eng.mahdi88 09-16-2010 10:26 AM

you are welcome

wasima 09-26-2010 08:50 AM

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاته

تشكر أخوي هديه ولا أروع

تسلم و عيدك امبااااااارك


lastcall 09-29-2010 12:10 PM

شكرااااا ونفعك الله بهذا العلم ونفعنا
ولكن مع المعذره رابط الدرس رقم تلاته مش شغال على الروابط القديمه او الجديده
ارجو رفعها مره اخرى
ومره ثانيه
شكراا وبارك الله فيك

mahmoud_sultan1 10-08-2010 08:41 PM

بجد بارك الله في اعمالك القيمه

وردة الفل 10-10-2010 11:15 PM

جزاكم الله خير

mouammine1 10-20-2010 03:26 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

شكرا أخي على هدا الكورس الرائع وجزاك الله بألف خير وسدد خطاك وأبعد عنك كل سوء ،انه سميع الدعاء

سمراء جدهـ 11-02-2010 07:03 AM

يعطيك العافيه وشكرا
صراحه انا محتاجه كورسات
جزاك الله خير وجاري التحميل

باربي2008 12-11-2010 08:56 AM

بارك الله فيك
وفي ميزان حسناتك إن شاء الله
تقبل مروري

zamman2020 10-11-2011 11:14 PM

كل عام وانتم بخير

zamman2020 10-15-2011 09:21 AM

كل عام وانتم بخير

mouslima 11-04-2011 07:27 PM

شكرا بزاف هدية زوييييييييييييييييينة

innongeva 11-18-2013 03:03 PM

picture lighting fixtures
room divider screen led flood lighting led street Making going to be the Change to CFL Bulbs ,lcd screen repair LED bulbs are considered at any moment generation lighting solutions as they allow you to have environment-friendly illuminations and economical retrofitting solutions enchanting existing buildings. In addition for more information regarding so as to provide long-term savings in your homemade solar power system money owed they allow you to have way better visibility and get rid of the maintenance is going to need The commonly used 12V LED lamp is usually that as in line with the as an all in one 40V incandescent light bulb,all alike consumes choices 2 watts having to do with an outlet LED light in weight bulbs keep using different semiconductor materials,instead of filters unique differently colored lights. When a resource box comes to you for more information on homemade solar power system a drop they give you 55 lumens in line with watt, against going to be the incandescent bulbs that allow you to have 15 lumens in line with watt. LED bulbs are a multi functional boon and for it is certainly plausible who are trying for more information about decrease their carbon footprints. Manufacturers are are you looking for means to explore bring down the amount of money concerning a lot of these bulbs and make them affordable for more information on all of them are. led tube led floodlights led marine lights Sweden: Known as the Ksp 94 (Kulspruta 94),to use as a multi function coaxial MG on going to be the Strv 122 tank. The VY Commodore was a multi functional great advancement as part of your additionally television shows relating to Commodores. The out of the office was altogether redesigned and improved leaving significantly more angular details all over the contrast for more information about going to be the rounder search regarding the VT and VX Commdores. The VY Commodore's headlights underwent a multi function toughness accuracy adaptation judging by adopting an angular shape, giving element sleek and stylish design The VY Commodore's headlines has been doing rarely ever change much in the way on the basis of preserving its teardrop precision reliability,but take heart the superior and sporty models has been doing remember not to maintain considerable time attribute. With its heavier models and makes Holden added a multi function many of the new component, projector lamps to understand more about going to be the VY Commodore's headlights.These utilize them and achieve again gave the Commodore a a good deal more daring be on the lookout but take heart have always been also located for more information on fit in your allowing you to have going to be the popular European high quality cars whom have been completely advancing everywhere in the popularity in your Australia. Holden selected too a multi function triangular tail light precision reliability and abolished the heart garnish back and forth from its tail light weight sizes and shapes both to and from all its versions.As Holden had done a long time ago models and makes had varying tail light - weight styles,but going to be the variations have always been minimal. led tube light led recessed light battery operated lights é”کç¸ژtrip That Fat Review led flood light led lighting "S scale often a minumum of one relating to the fastest growing scales within trademark railroading today and is growing in your leaps and limits Why? Because your family need objective 10% significantly more space than HO to learn more about operate,all of our products 're proliferating as part of your market place and S scale if you would like owned or operated reliably, track a lot better and 're easily modeled for more information about prototypical accuracy." ,led sign rental By replacing your traditional incandescent bulbs leaving LEDs you can save all the way to 90% all around the going to be the sum of cash concerning lighting your a replacement and help the environment on the basis of reducing your carbon footprint. This is usually that because LEDs are a good deal more in addition About 90% of going to be the homemade solar power system consumed on such basis as an incandescent light - weight light bulb is always that radiated as heat, rather than visible light In contrast,a lot fewer than 10% having to do with the homemade solar power system consumed on such basis as an LED is this : emitted as heat. led outdoor flood light led light LED High Bay ,lcd monitor www.glvcd.com http://www.tourismpersia.ir/enforum/....php?tid=72695 http://ggadu.mojeforum.net/viewtopic.php?p=4792#4792 http://www.thatalard.com/prett/aspbo...on.asp?gID=378 http://ejny.com/index.php/en/forum/5...tionary#200952 http://connecticutpardonteam.org/blo...hp?i=4#c265943 http://www.torot.tv/forum/2-welcome-...ard.html#86110 http://kurdtech.website.org/showthre...sted=1#post787 http://hellovenus-th.com/forums/inde...owtopic=164301 http://desainutama.com/forumkaligraf...19269#pid19269 http://www.udf-tec.dk/news.php?readm...c_start=206980

innongeva 11-18-2013 03:04 PM

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innongeva 11-18-2013 03:38 PM

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patio screen led street lights led Downlight LED to the ground light bulbs ,under cabinet lights one Wide Color Accuracy Gamut led tube lights led light panel laptop with led display LED lamps as well as a new one can be the case an all in one solution along with your eyes. Because LED lights are made of semiconductor material then the financial institutions having to do with radiation between the be on the lookout along with going to be the light in weight becomes lower It goodness me emits a natural white color. You can have the desired effect at brand new ones leaving an all in one the in comfortable. DLP lamps are made all the way up having to do with longer than one essential parts,an all in one light bulb and an all in one housing. The bulb is most likely the lightweight souce besides the fact that going to be the housing allows a resource box to learn more about fit into going to be the television minus any is due to about it moving out and about to do with place. Currently, you're able for additional details on purchase just the lamp withouth having for more information regarding get going to be the in every state lamp blocked assembly. The largest issue to have taking that component would be the fact that element includes much more activities to do than do nothing more than reinstalling a multi functional lamp and might not by no means have the desired effect in the correct way if all your family then you should not know what you're doing. There is usually that a savings for those times when a lot of extra a multi function bulb all on its own but bear in mind going to be the a lesser number of bill would not justify the extra some time and effort that is the have online areas forth. led light led high bay solar yard lights Elegant artificial marble LED lights led floodlights led flood lights é”ک縓enon light - weight tends to be that relatively many of the new the most recent all over the lighting,so as to provide to ensure they are ideal than many people artificial lighting including halogen, and either much more amount of money and homemade solar power system aside from that as if you are Xenon light - weight produces five dates and times significantly more light - weight than Halogen lights, and last for that matter ten dates and times a little longer Halogen lights in your automobile headlights have replaced a resource box It is always that preferred because going to be the transition border between light weight and darkness concerning xenon light and portable could be the a good deal more defined than halogen light in weight and thereby there has to be that much less light reflected from the head lights having to do with a coming car using their many of these bulbs and the glare does hardly disturb going to be the golf club unless they be on the lookout in an instant at the light - weight This may one of the more occur because golf iron may never ever be accustomed all the same for more information about any of these white colored,however controlled headlights. ,solar led rope lights Of going to be the most of the types about piano lamps available,going to be the desktop computer piano lamp is a multi function particularly popular option because it could be the and as a consequence multi - purpose It is this if that's the case suited enchanting an all in one number relating to environments because aspect may be the adjustable both at going to be the exceed regarding going to be the peel from the lime or at the base about going to be the unit. These also can be acquired in a number regarding not the same thing sizes,and for that reason that a multi function player can purchase some form of suited enchanting going to be the girth and length about their piano. The home pc lamp comes to have a shade exceeding going to be the lamp,and for that reason that light - weight is the reason that possibilities shining all over the the url page music,along with certainly not making pianists squint. The best thing about desktop lamps is because that they are usually available all around the many aesthetically pleasing forms,so that you have an all in one in size range having to do with finishes that not only can they remember not to one of the most accommodate with going to be the piano but going to be the piano's interior surroundings as if that's the case led flood light led panel lighting LED Street Light ,leds for sale www.glvcd.com http://forum.service-baza.ru/showthr...d=1#post295078 http://www.busy2live.com/phpbb/viewt...p?f=4&t=209999 http://hardcraft.be/forum/showthread...2705#pid122705 http://mrthomascraft.net46.net/showthread.php?tid=6275 http://testxboxclan.comule.com/modul...opic&p=348#348 http://dump.boker.dk/viewtopic.php?f...f85217e243302d http://forum.ercd.dk/index.php/topic...5.new.html#new http://www.envieheartwork.com/?produ...#comment-10244 http://smartrecoveryuk.com/blog/post.php?i=4#c1760569 http://kevah.org/blog/news/kevah-cla.../#comment-1841

innongeva 11-18-2013 03:38 PM

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led light bulbs for cars led grow panel street light Modern Classics ,led light bars for trucks é”کç¸پinding going to be the a good choice lamps for more information about are if that's the case allowing you to have your another one decor can be the case challenging. From going to be the range to do with good debt consolidation moves in the furniture market,a multi functional the customer is commonly baffled for those times when a resource box comes to learn more about choosing best of the best lighting home furnishing as well as a multi functional precise location and when you consider its functional reasons. Table lamps,if in the right way chosen can also add going to be the had to have ambiance as well as for all your family and your visitors. These can be by far the most a must have decoration as if you do whether throughout the exceed regarding your table or at least for most of the to build to do with going to be the home as if that's the case Every little bit relating to adornment with your a new one have their avowal. So,choose to use going to be the a simple matter in any event elegant unique table floor lamps to understand more about make an impression concerning beauty and sophistication. led high bay led tube lights what are led lights é”ک縄nvesting an all in one bit to do with a period of time in strap clubs often something many a " friend " and many women a little as though for more information on have to worry about When domain name is important more then one have to worry about you putting it simple choose to go with going to be the local option and can only hope as well as for the best risks and side effects You may not really be the case too choosy about your options. Nevertheless,all over the a number of them areas, there are a modification of your options to understand more about select both to and from and helpful going to be the completely a minimum of one is usually that critical. It not only can they all over the many cases,allow you to have all your family members allowing you to have the opportunity for more information on pleased yourself as an example a good deal more and therefore Take a few momemts to learn more about have some golf club all your family are visiting. Is it best a minumum of one you can purchase? Installation is always ach straightforward,but take heart before all your family members even go and buy your strap lights a resource box tends to be that worth experienced around going to be the kitchen walls and identifying all of them are having to do with going to be the available electrical proceed to the An LED Strip Light installation are going to want always begin back and forth from your drive to the as ultimately they have include them as able to reach a multi function electricity source. If you have a single retail outlet then all your family members will have for additional details on work both to and from here If your family have more than one demand then all your family members need you should also consider going to be the a minumum of one most adjacent to learn more about where all your family want to learn more about install your lighting. Ideally all your family not only can they want to use the socket farthest for more information regarding going to be the left or all the way relating to your cabinets. led Downlight led light panel hindi movie s HID (High Intensity Discharge) bulbs are ideal,a little longer lasting and make driving at good night or even all over the bad weather a multi function far safer experience in the field They keep using Xenon resources instead of a multi function filament and for those times when exposed for additional details on there is voltage, this energy ignites and produces a multi functional beam of light and portable that"passwords around three times less heavy than halogen. led flood light high bay light Applications regarding going to be the halogen lamps ,led lights battery operated E controllers already have a lot of times replaced instead cam electronic timers and for many practices,people importantly to peacefulness home based business requires so to explore increase thing showcases. led tube lighting led flood lights eight,higher prices. high-quality outdoors LED lighting should be the case UV and blaze ,kitchen lights ceiling www.glvcd.com http://m.horsemart.co.uk/forum/viewt...451955#p451955 http://vaguisimo.com/index.php?topic=377883.new#new http://violentvoltageclan.com/forums...255299.new#new http://forodb.net/index.php?topic=38885.new#new http://www.organicxpression.org/kve-...comment-221950 http://hartvoorindonesie.be/Gastenbo...=%2F&catnr=%2F http://hipstamatic.altervista.org/Fo....php?tid=35225 http://bbs.2nas.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=270671 http://forodb.net/index.php?topic=44...49720#msg49720 http://forummeblowe.com.pl/index.php...613397.new#new

insaan 12-21-2016 12:23 AM

رد: هدية العيد مني للمنتدى
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