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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-19-2009, 11:53 PM   #1
Lamis TiziOuzou
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
الدولة: Adrar**TiziOuzOu*-Algeria
العمر: 30
المشاركات: 34
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
Lamis TiziOuzou is on a distinguished road
Wink English Homonyms

English Homonyms

كلمات لها نفس النطق لكن تختلف في المعنى
قد يتساءل أحدكم كيف نفرق بينها ما دام لها نفس النطقالإجابة جد سهلة فالمعني يفهم من خلال الجمل التي تأتي بها

مثال بسيط

read - red

read - the past and past participle of read
red - the colour

I read that book
قرأت داك الكتاب

He has a red car
عنده سيارة لونها أحمر

- فمن الجملة فهمنا معنى كل كلمة رغم أن لهما النطق نفسه -
Homonym List
A - E

affect - effect
affect - verb -> to change or influence something or someone
affect - She wanted to affect the students in a way they'd never forget
effect - noun -> the result of a change or influence
The effect of the performance was stunning

aisle - isle
aisle - noun -> the walkway, as in a theater
I quickly walked down the aisle and took my seat
isle - noun -> island
He grew up on the isle of Elba

allowed - aloud
allowed - past tense of the verb 'to allow' -> to permit
His mother allowed him to stay up late on Saturday
aloud - adverb -> using the voice, not silently
She read the story aloud

ate - eight
ate - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to eat'
She ate a quick lunch and returned to work
eight - number -> the number 8
I bought eight tickets to the concert

ball - bawl
ball - noun -> a round object used in games and sports
He took a ball to the beach to play with the children
bawl - verb -> to cry (usually very hard)
Please don't bawl! It's not that bad

bear - bare
bear - verb -> to stand something
He can't bear exams
bare - adjective -> naked, without clothing
He stood outside in the rain completely bare

**** - bass
**** - noun -> the bottom support of something
I think we need a new **** for that lamp
bass - noun -> the lowest pitches in music, singer of the lowest pitches
I sang bass in the church choir

billed - build
billed - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to bill'
She billed the clients for $4,000
build - verb -> to construct
They build houses in Portland, Oregon

blew - blue
blew - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to blow'
She blew a lot of bubbles at her birthday party
blue - adjective -> a colour
Her house is painted blue

board - bored
board - noun -> a plan of wood
I used a board to cover the ******
bored - adjective -> not interested
He was bored by the meeting

break - brake
break - verb -> to damage something
Unfortunately, I often break my toys
brake - noun -> stopping device on a vehicle
He used the brake to stop quickly

buy - by- bye
buy - verb -> to purchase
Do they often buy clothes in that shop
by - preposition -> often used to express the agent in a passive sentence
The song was written by Hammersmith
bye - noun -> farewell
Bye! I'll see you tomorrow

capital - capitol
capital - noun -> A town or city that is head of government
Olympia is the capital of Washington state
capitol - noun -> A building where the government meets
The capitol is a beautiful building

cell - sell
cell - noun -> a small room, usually in a prison
There are two prisoners per cell in that prison
sell - verb -> to provide for sale
They sell books and magazines

cent - scent- sent
cent - noun -> 1/100 of a dollar
One cent isn't worth very much
scent - noun -> an aroma
The scent in the air is fabulous
sent - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to send'
I sent you some pictures last week

chance - chants
chance - noun -> not on purpose
I saw Mary by chance in California
chants - noun (plural) -> simple song or melody
We did some grammar chants in class last week

chews - choose
chews - verb -> third person present singular of the verb 'to chew'
My daughter chews her food well
choose - verb -> to make a decision from amongst more than one
OK, I choose the red one

close - clothes
close - verb -> to shut
Please close the door when you come in
clothes - noun -> articles of clothing
He put on his clothes and left for work

coarse - course
coarse - adjective -> rough, not smooth
The fabric is rather coarse
course - noun -> a class in which a subject is studied
The English course will begin next week

creak - creek
creak - verb -> to squeak (make a high pitch sound)
The doors in the house all creak
creek - noun -> small stream
The creek winds through the beautiful valley

days - daze
days - noun -> plural of 'day'
I work five days a week
daze - noun -> confused state
He walks around in a daze

dear - deer
dear - adjective -> beloved, often used to begin a letter
My dear Richard, you just don't understand
deer - noun -> an animal (Bambi - irregular plural: deer)
We saw three deer on our hike in the mountains

dew - do- due
dew - noun -> light water condensation usually found in the morning
The grass was covered with dew
do - verb -> to perform
They usually do their homework immediately after school
due - adjective -> payable
The full payment is due by the end of the month
Homonym List
F - L

facts - fax
facts - noun -> things objectively considered 'true'
The facts pointed to Mr Smith as the criminal
fax - noun -> a ******** transmitted via telephone
I sent a fax to the office in Chicago

fair - fare
fair - adjective -> light skinned, of light complexion
She is fair with long blond hair
fare - noun -> cost of ticket (generally travel)
I paid fifteen dollars for the fare

fairy - ferry
fairy - noun -> a magic person or being
The tooth fairy brings $1 for each tooth
ferry - noun -> a boat that transports cars and other vehicles
We took the ferry to Sardinia last summer

find - fined
find - verb -> to discover
I often find coins at the beach
fined - adjective -> charged a penalty
He was fined $50 for illegal parking

flour - flower
flour - noun -> powdered grain used for *****ng
I want to make some ******s. Could you pick up a bag of flour at the supermarket
flower - noun -> beautiful blooming part of a plant
That flower is beautiful

for - four
for - preposition
I bought these for you
four - number -> 4
She wants to bring four friends with her to the party

foreword - forward
foreword - noun -> introduction to a book
Timothy Leary wrote the foreword to Ken's book
forward - adjective -> advancing
We moved forward in the line

gene - jean
gene - noun -> a chromosome
The X gene is responsible for eye colour
jean - noun -> fabric
Jeans are made of jean

grease - Greece
grease - noun -> lubricant, fat
He put some grease on the wheel
Greece - proper noun -> the country
Greece is considered the birthplace of western philosophy

groan - grown
groan - noun -> low sound expressing displeasure
Students often groan when I announce a test
grown - verb -> past participle of the verb 'to grow'
My daughter has grown quite a bit this year

hair - hare
hair - noun -> the collective strands on your head
She's got long brown hair.
hare - noun -> similar to a rabbit
He shot a hare while in the field

hay - hey
hay - noun -> dried grass often used as food for cattle, horses, etc.
We spent last week collecting hay from the fields
hey - expression -> shout
Hey! Watch out

heal - heel
heal - verb -> to cure a disease
Doctors heal thousands of patients a year
heel - noun -> the back part of the foot or shoe
I hurt my heel playing tennis

hear - here
hear - verb -> to listen
Did you hear what he said
here - adverb -> at this place
Is this your book here

hi - high
hi - salutation -> Hello
Hi! How are you today
high - adjective -> tall, way up
Mount Rainier is extremely high

hoarse - horse
hoarse - adjective -> rough voice
Your voice is hoarse. Do you have a cold
horse - noun -> animal
Cowboy Tom had a horse named Joe

hole - whole
hole - noun -> round opening
There is a hole in the wall we need to repair
whole - adjective -> entire
He ate the whole pie

hour - our
hour - noun -> sixty minutes
It took one hour to finish the exercise
our - possessive adjective -> belonging to us
That's our house on the corner

knight - night
knight - noun -> warrior from the middle ages
Arthur was a knight of the round table
night - noun -> evening to early morning
I went to bed late last night

knot - naught - not
knot - noun -> fastening in a cord
He tied a knot to secure the rope
naught - noun -> nothing
His efforts came to naught
not - adverb -> in no way
It's not her fault

know - no
know - verb -> to have knowledge
They didn't know where she had studied
no - adverb -> expresses refusal
No! I don't want to come

leased - least
leased - verb -> past form of 'lease': to rent
They leased they office for three months
least - superlative adjective -> the minimum
She was the least successful of the candidates

loan - lone
loan - verb -> to allow someone to borrow
Can you loan me some money until tomorrow
lone - adjective -> the only one
She is the lone person who speaks French
Homonym List
M - R

made - maid
made - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to make'
She made me a cup of tea
maid - noun -> domestic help
The maid cleaned the room

mail - male
mail - noun -> post
I got a lot of mail today
male - adjective -> relative to men
His male friends are crazy

marry - merry
marry - verb -> to join in matrimony
Is a pastor going to marry them
merry - adjective -> happy
We had a merry time at the pub

meat - meet
meat - noun -> animal flesh
I really don't like horse meat
meet - verb -> to see someone, to be introduced
Let's meet next week

mince - mints
mince - verb -> to chop finely
Can you mince that parsley
mints - noun plural -> type of sweet
I enjoy After Eight mints

missed - mist
missed - verb -> past tense of verb 'to miss'
I missed the airplane and had to book another flight
mist - noun -> light fog
Ireland is famous for mist

morning - mourning
morning - noun -> am
Let's meet tomorrow morning at nine
mourning - noun -> remember the dead
She was in mourning for three years

none - nun
none - pronoun -> not one
None of the students came to the party
nun - noun -> woman of God (Catholic)
The nun helped the children understand the song

one - won
one - number -> 1
Only one man came to the presentation
won - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to win'
I won a prize at the competition

pail - pale
pail - noun -> bucket
Use that pail to hold the water.
pale - adjective -> light colored
She looks rather pale

pear - pair
pear - noun -> a type of fruit
She ate a pear for lunch
pair - noun -> two (usually matching)
I bought a new pair of shoes last weekend

patience - patients
patience - noun -> quality of being willing to wait
Success requires a lot of patience
patients - noun plural -> person treated in a hospital or by a doctor
There are too many patients waiting in the emergency room

piece - peace
piece - noun -> part of something
I had a piece of pie for dessert
peace - noun -> the state of no war
We all hope to live in peace

plain - plane
plain - adjective -> not fancy
The food was rather plain in England
plane - noun -> short for 'airplane'
The plane took off at six in the morning

practice - practise
practice - noun -> a period of training generally for sport or music
I went to practice after school was finished
practise - verb -> to train for music
I practise the piano for two hours every day

rain - reign
rain - noun -> precipitation
I can't stand rain! I prefer sunny weather
reign - noun -> period of rule
Queen Elizabeth the Second's reign continues to this day

read - red
read - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to read'
I read Rabbit At Rest last week
red - color
My favorite color is red

right - write
right - adjective -> correct
That answer is right!
write - verb -> to put something down on paper
I prefer to write my letters in pen

road - rode
road - noun -> street
I took the country road instead of taking the freeway
rode - verb -> past tense of the verb 'ride'
He rode a horse last weekend

rose - rows
rose - noun -> flower
I gave my girlfriend a red rose for her birthday
rows - noun plural -> horizontal line of something
There are fifteen rows in the theater
Homonym List
S - Z

sail - sale
sail - verb -> to go by sailboat
They often sail at weekends
sale - noun -> selling at reduced prices
Let's go to the sale at the supermarket this afternoon

scene - seen
scene - noun -> visual location
The scene was set in the south of France
seen - verb -> past participle of the verb 'to see'
I haven't seen him in years
sea - see
sea - noun -> large body of water
We took a ferry across the sea
see - verb -> to visualize
Can you see him over there
sew - so
sew - verb -> to use needle and thread
Most people don't sew their own clothes
so - adverb -> to a great extent, very
The test was so difficult I almost failed

sole - soul
sole - adjective -> the only one
She was the sole person to understand him
soul - noun -> immortal part of a person
Many people believe that the soul goes to heaven when we die

son - sun
son - noun -> male child
Our son goes to Harvard
sun - noun -> the star that lights our solar system
The sun shone bright yesterday

stair - stare
stair - noun -> step
Be careful of that stair - it's broken
stare - verb -> to look at steadily
Don't stare at that woman! It's rude

steal - steel
steal - verb -> to take unlawfully
I think there should be no punishment for people who steal food to survive
steel - noun -> ****l
Most cars have some steel in their body

suite - sweet
suite - noun -> large room in a hotel
They stayed in the honeymoon suite
sweet - adjective -> the opposite of sour
Candy is very sweet

their - there
their - possessive adjective -> belonging to them
That's their house on the corner
there - adverb -> at or in that place
Please sit over there

threw - through
threw - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to throw'
He threw the ball to his father
through - preposition -> passing from one place to another
He went through the tunnel

to - too - two
to - preposition -> towards (among many uses)
I went to him and offered my congratulations
too - adverb -> also
Tom visited New York, too
two - number -> 2
She bought two magazines and some candy

vary - very
vary - verb -> to change
Results may vary with daily or weekly use.
very - adverb -> to a high degree
She was very happy to see Jim

waist - waste
waist - noun -> area between ribs and hips
I need to reduce the fat around my waist
waste - verb -> to not use well
Don't waste time! Start studying
wait - weight
wait - verb -> to remain ready for someone or something
Can you wait just a moment
weight - noun -> an amount of heaviness
I wish my weight were lower
war - wore
war - noun -> armed conflict
The war in Iraq is damaging relations with the rest of the world
wore - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to wear'
He wore a beautiful suit to the interview
wear - where
wear - verb -> to attire
Models generally wear jeans and not the expensive clothes they show on the walkway
where - question word
Where does he come from
weak - week
weak - adjective -> opposite of strong
My left arm is very weak. I need to do some exercises
week - noun -> seven days
My work week is very long and hard
weather - whether
weather - noun -> the meteorological conditions
The weather has been quite beautiful this week
whether - conjunction -> whether ... or - indicates an alternative
I don't whether he will come or not
which - witch
which - question word -> indicating choice among many
Which vacation should we choose
witch - noun -> magic woman
Sarah was burned as a witch during the Salem Witch Trials
wood - would
wood - noun -> material coming from trees
The desk is made out of wood
would - verb -> conditional auxiliary
I would like to visit you soon

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It's a bit long but very interesting
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