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العودة   منتديات لغاتى التعليمية > ~¤¦¦§¦¦¤~منتديات اللغات~¤¦¦§¦¦¤~ > منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية

منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية يختص بتعليم كل ما يتعلق باللغة الانجليزية

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-05-2010, 07:05 PM   #1
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough
افتراضي اخطاء شائعة

[frame="1 98"]

الموضوع اليوم عن الأخطاء الشائعة التي يقوم بها كثير من الناس عند الكتابة في اللغة الانجليزية
و ذلك لوجود كثير من الكلمات التي يكون لفظها متشابه إلى حد كبير و لكن المعنى يختلف.
لذا رغبت في أن أقوم بكتابة هذا الموضوع ليكون به إفادة للجميع.

الموضوع سيكون على هذا النحو: سأقوم بوضع مجموعة من الكلمات المتشابهة لفترة محددة
ثم أقوم بعد بضعة أيام بإضافة كلمات أخرى حتى لا يكون تقديم هذا الموضوع
بشكل مكثف يؤدي إلى الارباك و ايضا ليتسنى لي معرفة الردود و
ما إذا كان لديكم أية مقترحات لتطوير الموضوع.

What do we mean by slippery spelling or common errors

Everybody makes an occasional error in speech or in writing
However certain errors are made over and over again: they are called common errors

Here are some of the words that are very often missplelled by people using the English language

Altar/ Alter

1) Altar

An altar is anoun that means the platform at the front of a church or in a temple

هي كلمة بمعنى مذبح الكنيسة

Example: The bride and groom stood before the priest at the altar

2) Alter

Alter is a verb meaning to change

هي فعل بمعنى يغير

Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter

More Examples

wrong: The town has altared a lot in the last two years

correct: The town has altered a lot in the last two years

wrong: We've had to altar some of our plans
correct: We've had to alter some of our plans

جديد الدرس 20
All right / Alright

1) All right

Alright as too words is all right

This means that it is accepted as standard english and it is correctly used

هي كلمة بمعنى حسن جدا و أحيانا تستعمل بمعنى نعم

و إستعمالها على هذا الشكل أي في كلمتين منفصلتين (all right) صحيح

Example: The anwers are all right

This means that all of them are correct or that they are satisfactory on the whole

2) Alright

Alright is a nonstandard abbreviation meaning all right

This means that it is not accepted as standard english

هي أيضا تعني حسن جدا أو نعم

و لكن إستعمالها خاطئ في اللغة الانجليزية الصحيحة لأنها كلمة عامية

More Examples

wrong: I wouldn't say she's rich, but she's doing alright

correct: I wouldn't say she's rich, but she's doing all right

wrong: You can work at home? That's alright, isn't it

correct: You can work at home? That's all right, isn't it

It's or Its

1) It's

It's is a contraction meaning it is
هي عبارة عن فاعل it و فعل is

example: It's my favorite book
يعني المتكلم في هذه الجملة عن كتاب سبق التحدث عنه بأنه كتابه المفضل. it هنا تعود للكتاب و 's تعود للفعل is

2) Its

its is a possessive pronoun like his , your or my
its هي ضمير للملكية للأشياء غير العاقل فقط

example: Its color is red
لونه أحمر أي أن هناك شيء يعنيه المتكلم لونه أحمر. الهاء في لونه هي its في الانجليزية

more examples

correct: Its leaves are green
wrong: It's leaves are green

correct: It's Tom's idea
wrong: Its Tom's idea

correct: what is its name
wrong: what is it's name

correct: It's going to snow today
wrong: Its going to snow today

correct: It's beautiful
wrong: its beautiful

please note that with the sentences with it's there is no other verb
because we already have a verb which is 's

but with its we should have a verb in the sentence because the s here is not a verb

ملاحظة الجملة التي تتضمن its لا يوجد فيها فعل آخر لأن 's هي الفعل أما في جملة its فيجب أن يكون هناك فعل
لأن its ضمير و الضمير لا يغني عن فعل

You're or Your

1) You're

You're is a contraction meaning you are
هي عبارة عن الفاعل you و الفعل are

Example: You're too late for ice cream

2) Your

Your is a possessive pronoun like my or his
هي ضمير الملكية للمخاطب المؤنث و المذكر المفرد و الجمع

Example: Who took your book
من أخذ كتاك. الضمير "ك" في كتابك هي your باللغة الانجليزية في هذه الحالة

more examples

correct: You're a real friend
wrong: Your a real friend

correct: I know your name
wrong: I know you're name

correct: Let us go in your car
wrong: Let us go in you're car

correct: He thinks you're too proud
wrong: He thinks your too proud

ِAffect / Effect

1) Affect

Affect is usually a verb meaning to influence
هي عادة تأتي على شكل فعل بمعنى يؤثر

Example: Cold weather affected the crops
The music affected him deeply

2) Effect

Effect is used as a noun meaning result or influence

هي إسم بمعنى نتيجة أو تأثير

ُExample: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin

His protest had no effect

It is also used as a verb to mean to produce as a result or to cause

هي تأتي أيضا فعل بمعنى يحقق أو يسبب

Example: I will effect my purpose; no one shall stop me

More Examples

wrong: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any affect
correct: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect

wrong: Both buildings were badly effected by the fire
correct: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire

Advice / Advise

1) Advice

advice is a noun that means an opinion
هي إسم بمعني نصيحة

Example: The daughter asked her mother's advice

2) Advise

advise is a verb that means to give counsel
هي فعل بمعنى يسدي النصيحة

Example: The teacher advised her students to study well for the test

More Examples

wrong: Our solicitors have adviced that the costs could be enormous
correct: Our solicitors have advised that the costs could be enormous

wrong: Steven gave me some good advise
correct: Steven gave me some good

Accept / Except

1) Accept

accept is always a verb meaning agree
accept = هي فعل بمعنى يقبل أو يوافق

Example: The mother accepted her child's apology
Tom accepted the gift with pleasure


2) Except

except is sometimes a verb meaning to exclude. if it comes as a preposition, then it means excluding
except = قد تأتي فعل بمعنى ما عدا و قد تأتي حرف جر بمعنى إلاّ

Example: They all went to the party except me
Add all the number from 1 to 9 except 6

More Examples

wrong: They all except to go on a vacation
correct: They all accepted to go on a vacation

wrong: The museum is open daily accept Monday
correct: The museum is open daily except Monday
Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-05-2010, 07:08 PM   #2
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough


Whole or Hole

1) Whole

Whole is a noun which means the entire thing
المعنى العربي: الكل

Example: The novel, on the whole, kept my attention

Whole could also be an adjective which means full or entire
المعنى العربي: كل / كاملاً
Example: Eventhough I was not hungry, I ate my whole lunch


Hole is a noun which means a gap or opening
المعنى العربي = فتحة أو فجوة

Example: The hole in the dog's tooth needs to be cleaned

More Examples

wrong: Jim worked the hole day mending the fence
correct: Jim worked the whole day mending the fence

wrong: There was a whole in the wall
correct: There was a hole in the wall

The cloth was whole except for a small hole

All together or Altogether

1) Altogether

Altogether is an adverb meaning completely, entirely
المعنى العربي: كلياً

Example: When he first saw the examination questions, he was altogether baffled
Altogther, I'm sorry it happened

2) All together

All together is a phrase meaning in a group
المعنى العربي: جميعاً
Example: The wedding guests were gathered all together in the garden
The prisoners were herded all together

More Examples

wrong: ِAnna doesn't all together approve of me
correct: ِAnna doesn't altogether approve of me

wrong: We were altogether at the party
correct: We were all together at the party

wrong: There were all together 20 people at the dinner
correct: There were altogether 20 people at the dinner

Peace or Piece

1) Peace

Peace is a state of mutual harmony between people or groups / freedom from war
المعنى العربي: السلام

Example: Try to live in peace with your neighbors
Does our country want peace or war


Piece is a limited portion or quantity of something
المعنى العربي = قطعة

Example: I want a a piece of chocolate
She bought a lovely piece of china

More Examples

wrong: You prefer piece to war, don't you
correct: You prefer peace to war, don't you

wrong: Each boy ate a peace of cake
correct: Each biy ate a piece of cake

wrong: It is easy to start a war; it is difficult to make piece
correct: It is easy to start a war; it is difficult to make peace

wrong: Sylvia has the last peace of the puzzle
correct: Sylvia has the last piece of the puzzle

Colthes or Cloths

1) Clothes

Clothes means coverings for a person's body
المعنى العربي: ملابس

Example: I bought a jacket, jeans, and other clothes
He always bought his clothes at the same store

2) Cloths

Cloths means woven or knitted material made from wool, cotton
silk, rayon, or other fiber
المعنى العربي: القماش

Example: The cloth of the table is made of cotton
Gather all table cloths for the laundry

More Examples

wrong: I wish I were more interested in cloths
correct: I wish I were more interested in clothes

wrong: The dish clothes should be soaking
correct: The dish cloths should be soaking

wrong: She usually wears smart/casual cloths
correct: She usually wears smart/casual clothes

wrong: I need some we clothes to wipe off the tables
correct: I need some we cloths to wipe off the tables

No, Know, Now, Knew or New

1) No

No means that you can't or won't, or that something is wrong
المعنى بالعربي كلا - لا - أو ممنوع و يلفظ (نو)

Exanple1: Will you come
Example2: No smoking

2) Know

Know means to recognize, to understand, or to be acquainted with
المعنى بالعربي يعلم أو يعرف و يلفظ (نو)

Example: I know her very well
I don't know Spanish

3) Now

Now means at this time
المعنى بالعربي الآن و تلفظ (ناو)

Example1: He is here now
Get out now

4) Knew

Knew means recognized, Understood, or was acquainted with
(it is the past of know)
المعنى بالعربي علم أو عرف هو أيضا الفعل الماضي من know و يلفظ (نيو)

Example: She knew the right answers
I knew Mary from a long time

5) New

New means fresh, recent or not late
المعنى بالعربي جديد أو حديث (تلفظ نيو)

Exanple1: Sunrise marks a new day
I got a new dress
Today I learned new information

More Example

We must leave now
I didnt know his name
She had a new hat
I knew the whole story
He has no reason to leave

Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-05-2010, 07:11 PM   #3
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough

[frame="1 98"]

Principle or Principal

1) Priciple

principle is a a noun only. It means a s rule, truth, or belief
كلمة تأتي دائما بشكل إسم و تعني قاعدة، حقيقة أو مبدأ
Remember that principle ends in -le like the word rule
and thus they have the same meaning

Example: Anna can describe the principles of air flight
Have you understood the principle of this problem

2) Principal

principal is either a noun or an adjective.
As a noun, it refers to the head of a school
كلمة تأتي على شكل إسم أو صفة. إذا جاءت في الجملة كإسم، فإنها تأتي بمعنى رئيس المدرسة

Example: Our school principal spoke to the parents
The principal parts of a verb are its basic forms

As an adjective, it means first or most important
أما إذا جاءت في الجملة كصفة فيصبح معناها الأول أو الأهم.

Example: The principal purpose of TV is to entertain

More Examples

wrong: She is a woman of high principals
correct: She is a woman of high principles

wrong: The newly appointed principle is Dad's freind
correct: The newly appointed principal is Dad's friend

wrong: Living things grow by the principal of cell division
correct: Living things grow by the principle of cell division

wrong: The speech of the principle will conclude the program
correct: The speech of the principal will conclude the program

Lose or Loose

1) Lose

Lose is a verb that means fail to win
هي فعل بمعنى يخسر

Exanple: We can't lose this game
He will lose his job

2) Loose

Loose is an adjective that means free or not tight
هي صفة بمعنى غير مربوط أو مفكوك أو رخو

Example: The chain is loose
A loose bolt caused the accident

More Example

wrong: Did you loose your glasses
correct: Did you lose your glasses

wrong: Is the ribbon lose
correct: Is the ribbon loose

wrong: Did you loose track of him
correct: Did you lose track of him

wrong: Do you have a lose tooth
correct: Do you have a loose tooth

Where or Were

1) Where

Where is an adverb meaning in what place
هي ظرف مكان بمعنى أين

Example: Where do you live
Where is your brother

2) Were

Were is the past form of verb be for plural nouns
هي صيغة الجمع للفعل be في الماضي

Example: Our plans for a picnic were upset by the rain
They were very tired when they reached home

More Examples

correct: I know where you live
wrong:I know were you live

correct: Many of the windows were broken
wrong: Many of the windows where broken

correct: Two school teams were competing
wrong: Two school teams were competing

Where were you when the whistles were blowing
The students were talking about the place where they hid the chalks

Quiet, Quite, or Quit

1) Quiet

Quiet it is an adjective meaning free from noise or disturbance
هي صفة بمعنى هادئ

Example: The only time our classroom is quiet is when it is empty

2) Quite

Quite means very
تعني جدا

Example: Mother was quite well

3) Quit

Quit is a verb meaning to stop or to cease
هي فعل بمعنى يتوقف أو يُوقف

Example: Dad quit his job yesterday

More Examples

correct: It was a quiet moment
wrong:It was a quite moment
wrong:It was a quit moment

correct: He must have been quite angry to lose his job
wrong: He must have been quit angry to lose his job
wrong: He must have been quiet angry to lose his job

correct: Tom's father quit drinking
wrong: Tom's father quite drinking
wrong: Tom's father quiet drinking

Another example: Has your father found it quite easy to quit smoking in that quiet village

Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-05-2010, 07:15 PM   #4
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough

[frame="1 98"]
There, Their, and They're

1) There

There is a word telling where
هي كلمة تدل على المكان تعني هناك

Example: They go there every other day

2) Their

Their is a possessive pronoun like your and mine telling whose
هي ضمير للملكية للغائب الجمع تدل على لمن

Example: they like their new school
هم يحبون مدرستهم الجديدة. هم في مدرستهم هي their في الانجليزية في هذه الحالة

3) They're

They're is a contraction meaning they are
هي عبارة عن الفاعل they و الفعل are

Example: They're coming for dinner

More Examples

Correct: Their car was crashed in the accident
Wrong: There car was crashed in the accident
Wrong: They're car was crashed in the accident

Correct: They're the boys who brought the blanket
Wrong: There the boys who brought the blanket
Wrong: Their the boys who brought the blanket

Correct: There were two garages in the property
Wrong: Their were two garages in the property
Wrong: They're the boys who brought the blanket

Correct: I like their house
Wrong: I like there house
Wrong: I like they're house

Correct: Jack lives there
Wrong: Jack lives their
Wrong: Jack lives they're

Correct: They're my friends
Wrong: There my friends
Wrong: Their my friends

in, on, into, or onto

A lot of people get confused when they want to use one of these words "in, on, into, ot onto". That's why i decided to explain the difference between these four words which is very simple and easy

ما الفرق في الاستعمل بين أحرف الجر هذه: in, on, into and onto

In = في

examples: There is a pen in the drawer
There is juice in this bottle
The book is in the box
I saw starts in the sky

On = على

Examples: There is a book on the table
The cat is sitting on the sofa
The toys are on the floor

On and In refer to location or position
On and In يدلان على الموقع أو المكان
أي ان استعمالهما يقتصر فقط على تحديد موقع الشيء الذي نذكره


Into = تعني أيضا في

و لكن الفرق في الاستعمال
عندما نريد أن نتكلم عن نقل أو تحريك الأشياء إلى داخل شيء آخر يُفضل عندها استخدام into بدلا من in

examples: I put the book into the box
in case you get into difficulties
I released the balloon into the air

onto = تعني أيضا على

عندما نريد أن نتكلم عن نقل أو تحريك الأشياء و و ضعها على شيء آخر يُفضل عندها استخدام onto بدلا من on

Examples: I splashed water onto my face
loading the data onto a disk
shine a flashlight onto a wall

Make or Do

سلام إلى الجميع

درس اليوم هو عبارة عن الطرق للتمييز بين كلمة make و كلمة do
فكثيرا من الأوقات نحتار في أي الكلمتين نتستخدم في كتابتنا خاصة أنه ليس هناك قاعدة تحدد استخدامهما.
لذا قررت اليوم ان يكون الدرس عن هاتين الكلمتين: متى تستعمل كل منهما؟
و أي العبارات التي تستخدم مع كل واحدة منهما؟ و طبعا مع أمثلة.

لنبدأ الدرس...............

There is no specific rule to follow when talking about these two words make and do
But you can make use of the hints that will follow


We always use do to describe indefinite activities, often with what, thing, anything, nothing, etc
كثيرا ما نستخدم كلمة do لوصف أعمال غير محدد عادة مع كلمة ماذا
(what are you doing - ماذا تفعل) شيء ما، أي شيء، لا شيء

and generally speaking we also use do to talk about duties, jobs or leisure activities
عامة نستخدم do للحديث عن المهمات او الواجبات، الأعمال أو أنشطة وقت الفراغ

Do means to perform
تذكر دائما أن do تعني يفعل أو يؤدي

Here are some examples

do research =================== يقوم ببحث
do nothing ================== لا يعمل شيئا
do a favour ================== يصنع معروفا
do well ================= يفعل حسنا
do effort ================ يبذل مجهودا
do a job ================= يقوم بعمل
do homework =============== يكتب واجب (فرض)
do the best ======== يفعل الأفضل (اقصى ما بوسعه)
do harm =================== يؤذي
do good ================ يفعل خيرا
doing fine ==================== بخير
do / don’t care =================== يهتم / لا يهتم
do business ================ يقيم علاقة عمل
do homework ============== يكتب واجب (فرض)
do housework =============== يقوم بأعمال منزلية
do the ironing ===================== يكوي
do the dishes ================ يجلي الصحون
do a job =============== يقوم بعمل
do an exercise ================== يحل تمرينا
do laundry ================== يغسل
do the cooking ==================== يطبخ
do the shopping ==================== يتسوق
do your makeup ================= تضع مكياج
do your hair ============== تسرح الشعر
do your duty =============== يقوم بواجبه
do me the honor of==================== يشرفني
do your part =============== يؤدي دوره
do your share ========== تقوم بحصتك او دروك
do an experiment ================= يقوم بإختبار
do the trick ============== يقوم بخدعة
do a crime ============= يقوم بجريمة
do damage ================ يدمر
do drugs ========= يتعاطى المخدرات
do evil ============ يفعل شر
do right ========== يفعل الصواب
do wrong ============ يفعل الخطأ
do bad ============= يخطئ
do well ===== يفعل جبدا (يحسن عملا)
do your nails ============== يقلم أظافره

Examples in sentences

What do you do? I'm a teacher
I'm not doing anything today
He does everything for his mother
Do your work. Do your job
do a mile in four minutes
That's a job well-done
We do business with that company
I like my steak well done
I have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon. Let's go to the cinema
At the end of each holiday, I always think it wouldn't do me any harm
to have one more week off
All soldiers must do their duty
She's doing nothing at the moment
I always do my best
This has nothing to do with you
The British like to do business with the Americans
When there is no food to eat, everyone has to do without


We tend to use make when we are talking about constructing, creating or performing something
نستعمل make عادة للحديث عن بناء أو عمل أو أداء شيء ما

Make means create something that didn't exist
make تعني خلق شيءعمل شيء لم يكن موجودا

Study the following examples

make breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert = يحضر الافطار، الغداء، العشاء، التحلية
make a telephone call ============== يجري مكالمة هاتفية
make a mess ============ يقوم بفوضى
make noise, a sound =========== يصدر صوتا أو ضجيجا
make an appointment ================= يحدد موعد
make an asssumption =================== يفترض
make an attempt ============== يقوم بمحاولة
make changes ============ يقوم بتغييرات
make a choice ================ يختار
make a comparison =================== يقارن
make a complaint ================== يتذمر
make a decision =============== يأخذ قرار
make a demand ================ يطالب
make a difference ================ يعمل فرق
make an effort ============= يقوم بمجهود
make an exception ================== يستثني
make an excuse ============== يختلق عذرا
make friends ============= يصاحب
make fun of someone ================== يسخر من
make a judgment =============== يلقي حكم
make a law =========== يسن قانون
make a mistake ============ يرتكب خطأ
make an offer ============ يقدم عرض
make plans ============= يخطط
make progress =============== يتقدم
make a promise ================= يعد
make a request =============== يطلب
make a speech ============ يلقي خطاب
make a suggestion ================= يقترح
make time ===== يجد مزيدا من الوقت
make peace ========== يصنع سلام
make war ======== يصنع حرب
make a contribution ================= يساهم
make money =========== يجني مالا
make a profit =========== يجني ربح
make a bed ========= يرتب سرير
make a change/changes ============ يقوم بتغيير/ تغييرات
To make a list ========== يصنع لائحة
make a dress ========= تصنع فستان
make a loss ====== يقوم بعمل خاسر
make an apology ============== يعتذر
make advances ============= يتقدم

Examples on make

When I grow up, I want to have a job that allows me to make a lot of money
We would be very happy if the countries in the Middle East make peace
I shall make all the arrangements for you
The President made an excellent speech yesterday
I hate it when my little brother makes fun of me
I think the airplane leaves at 8 a.m., but you had better make sure

و أخيرا

Do or Make Quiz

He ____ an excellent job at the meeting last week
May I ____ a telephone call?
Please stop ___ so much noise
She ____ her homework before she went to bed
Would you like me ____ you a cup of tea
I'm afraid you ____ (not) any good
Look at your room! You ____ a mess
It took him a long time ____ a decision
Do you mind ____ the washing-up this evening
We ____ plans for our next holiday at the moment
What ____ you ____? - Oh, I ___ (not) anything at the moment
I guess I can ____ an exception to the rule this time
What ____ we ____ this evening?
I know you ____ your best last week
I wish you ____ an effort on this exam

Thanks alot for reading this lesson. I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful

منقول للفائدة

Lwiza2000 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-05-2010, 07:17 PM   #5
مشرفة منتدى اللغة الكورية
الصورة الرمزية Lwiza2000
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
الدولة: 알제리
العمر: 44
المشاركات: 1,069
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Lwiza2000 will become famous soon enoughLwiza2000 will become famous soon enough

Differences in Vocabulary

الرغم من أن الأميرككيين و البريطانيين يتكلمون لغة واحدة هي الانجليزية إلاّ أنه يوجد بعض الاختلافات الصغيرة بينهم مع إنها قد لا تؤثر في نجاح عملية التواصل بينهم. بعض هذه الاختلافات

American English ----------------- British English --------------------- عربي

attorney, lawyer -------------- barrister, solicitor -------------------- محامي
bathrobe -------------------- dressing gown ----------------- ثوب الحمام
can of beans ----------------------- tin of beans ---------------- علبة معلبات
corn ------------------------------- maize ---------------------------- ذرة
diaper ------------------------------ nappy --------------- حفاض الأطفال
driver's license ------------------ driving license -------------- رخصة السواقة
drug store ------------------------- chemist's -------------------- الصيدلية
elevator ------------------------------ lift -------------------- المصعد
eraser --------------------------- rubber --------------------- الممحاة
flashlight ------------------------------- torch ------------------ ضوء البطارية
gas, gasoline ------------------------- petrol ------------------- البنزين
living room ---------------------- sitting room ----------------- غرفة الجلوس
raise in salary ------------------- rise in salary ---------- زيادة في المعاش
rest room --------------------public toilet, WC ----------------------- التواليت
schedule ---------------------------- timetable --------------- برنامج المواعيد
sidewalk ---------------- pavement, footpath ------------------------ الرصيف
sink ----------------------------------- basin ------------------------ المغسلة
soccer -------------------------------- football ---------------------- كرة القدم
stove ---------------------------------- cooker --------------- فرن الطبخ (الغاز)
truck ------------------------------- lorry, van --------------------------- شاحنة
trunk of a car --------------------- boot of a car --------------- مؤخرة السيارة
be on vacation ------------------ be on holiday ----------- في عطلة (إجازة)
pants ------------------------------ trousers---------------------------- بنطال
apartment----------------------------------- flat-------------------------- شقة
argument----------------------------------- row--------------------------- جدال
baby carriage------------------------------ pram------------------- عربة اطفال
band-aid------------------------------ plaster--------------------- لصقة الجروح
chopped beef------------------------------ mince-----------------اللحم المفروم
guy----------------------------------- chap------------------------------ شاب
highway--------------------------- motorway-------------------- الطريق السريع
hood (car)--------------------------- bonnet------------------ غطاء السيارة
jello--------------------------------- jelly------------------------------ جللو
kerosene--------------------------- paraffin--------------------النفط الأبيض
license plate-------------------- number plate-------------------- لوحة السيارة
line-------------- queue------------- صف من الاشخاص المنتظرين حسب الدور
mail--------------------------------- post------------------------------- البريد
motor home------------------------- caravan--------------------------- القافلة
movie theater------------------------- cinema-------------------------- السنما
napkin---------------------------- serviette------------------------ منديل المائدة
nothing------------------------------ nought---------------------------- لا شيء
overpass----------------------------- flyover------------------------------ يتجاوز
pacifier----------------------------- dummy--------------مهدئ/مصاصة الاطفال
parking lot-------------------------- car park------------------- موقف السيارات
period---------------------------- full stop------------------------------- بنطال
potato chips---------------------------- crisps-------------------رقائق البطاطس
rent------------------------------------ hire---------------------------------- تأجير
sausage------------------------------ banger----------------------------السجق
sweater------------------------------ jumper--------------------------------بلوزة
trash can---------------------------------- bin-------------------- سلة المهملات
trunk (car)------------------------------ boot------- صندوق السيارة في الخلف
vest----------------------------- waist coat----------------------- معطف للخصر
windshield (car)--------------------- windscreen--------------- الزجاج الامامي
zip code------------------------- postal code-----------------------الرمز البريدي
antenna-------------------------------- aerial------------------- الايريال(الهوائي)
appetizer------------------------------ starter--------------فاتح الشهيه/مقبلات
area code--------------------------- dial code-----------------------رمز المنطقة
backpack/backbag---------------------- rucksack------------------حقيبة الظهر
bar------------------------------------- pub-------------------------------------بار
bath robe---------------------- dressing gown-----------------------رداء الحمام
bill------------------------------------- note---------------------- العملة الورقية
binder clip------------------------ bulldog clip-------------------- كليب للملف
busy signal--------------------- engaged tone-------------- خط او رقم مشغول
cafeteria----------------------------- canteen------------------------- كافيتيريا
candy------------------------------ sweet---------------------------- حلوى
cell phone-------------------- mobile phone----------------- الهاتف الخليوي
cilantro--------------------------- coriander------------------------------كزبره
conductor------------------------------- guard---------- قاطع التذاكر في الباص
cooler----------------------------- cool box------------------------------ المبرد
couch--------------------------------- sette------------------------------الاريكه
coworker-------------------------- workmate----------------------- زميل العمل
creek------------------------ stream/brook------------------------------الجدول
crosswalk--------------- pedestrian crossing---------------------معبر المشاة
discount-------------------------- concession---------------------------تخفيض
downtown------------------------ town centre---------------------وسط المدينة
dresser--------------------- chest of drawers----------------------------- خزانة
elementary school-------------- primary school--------------- مدرسة ابتداءيه
England------------------- United Kingdom---------------------------- انجلترا
entree------------------------- main course------------------- الطبق الرئيسي
exit-------------------------------- junction-------------------------------- مفرق
eyeglasses--------------------------- spectacles---------------------------نظارات
fair----------------------------------- show------------------------------ معرض
fall--------------------------------- autumn------------------------------- خريف
faucet------------------------------------- tap----------------------------الحنفيه
field------------------------------------ pitch-------------------- الملعب الرياضي
firehouse------------------------- fire station----------------------محطة الاطفاء
first floor---------------------- ground floor--------------------الطابق الارضي
garbage/trash------------------ rubbish/refuse----------------------- القمامه
high school---------------- secondary school-----------------المدرسة الثانويه
intersection----------------------- cross roads-----------------------------تقاطع
intermission--------------------------- interval--------------------------استراحه
kindergarten-------------------------- nursery---------------------------- حضانة
last name------------------------- surname---------------اللقب / اسم العائلة
locker room---------------- changing room--------------- غرفة تغيير الملابس
low fat milk---------- semi-skimmed milk-------------- حليب قليل الدسم
mail man------------------------- postman---------------------- ساعي البريد
mall--------------------- shopping centre-------------------------مركز التسوق
mass transit----------------- public transport----------------------- النقل العام
military time------------------- 24 hour clock----------------- توقيت 24 ساعة
movies--------------------------------- films-------------------------------- افلام
offense players----------------------- forwards------------------ لاعبي الهجوم
popsicle------------------------------ lollipop---------------------------- مصاصة
professor----------------------------- lecturer-----------------------------محاضر
public school---------------------- state school-------------------مدارس الدولة
pullout, pulloff--------------------------- lay by--------- يتوقف جانبا بالسيارة
purse----------------------------- handbag------------------------- حقيبة اليد
railroad------------------------------ railway--------------------السكك الحديديه
recess--------------------------------- break--------------------- فترة الاستراحة
résumé---------------- curriculum vitae CV------------------------ سيرة ذاتية
round trip ticket------------------ return ticket--------- تذكرة سفر ذهابا وإيابا
sales tax------------------------------- VAT---------------ضريبة القيمه المضافه
schedule-------------------------- timetable------------------------------الجدول
Scotch Tape------------------------ Sellotape----------------- الشريط اللاصق
second floor------------------------ first floor -------------------- الطابق الاول
silverware------------ cutlery------لوازم المائدة من ملاعق و شوك و سكاكين
sneakers---------------------------- trainers-----------------------أحذية الرياضة
soda---------------------------- soft drink--------------- مشروبات غير كحولية
stop lights---------------------- traffic lights----------------------إشارات المرور
store--------------------------------- shop-------------------------- دكان / مخزن
stroller------------------------- push chair---------------------------------العربة
subway------------ underground railway------------------ سكة حديد التفاق
turn signals ----------------------- indicators------------------ اشارات تغيير الاتجاه
two weeks-------------------------- fortnight-------------------------- اسبوعين
undershirt------------------------------ vest-----------------القميص الداخلي
unemployment compensation ----- unemployment pay------تعويض البطاله
vacuum---------------------------- hoover--------------------- مكنسة التنظيف
wallet------------------------------- purse------------------------------ المحفظة
yard------------------------------ garden---------------------------------- حديقة
zee ---------------------------------- zed----------------------------- لفظ حرف Z
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